Chapter 52

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Taehyung and Roseanne were still hugging each other in front of their high school when they heard a grumbling sound. Realizing where the sound came from, Taehyung bursted into fits of laughter. On the other hand, Roseanne broke from their hug and ran to Taehyung’s car. And Taehyung was looking amusedly at the way Roseanne ran. She was running with her hands covering her face while leaving only her eyes uncovered.

“Now how am I supposed to stay mad when she’s acting like that?” Taehyung whispered to himself before walking to his car.

Inside the car, Roseanne was softly knocking her own head in frustration at herself. She was embarrassed when her hunger put her in another embarrassing situation. Then her mind wandered to the food that she bought with Jimin earlier. She was kind of regretting that she didn’t get to eat it after she eagerly picked her favorites. She immediately fixed her posture after seeing Taehyung getting closer to the car.

When Taehyung got inside the car, Roseanne was already sitting comfortably on the passenger seat. She had her arms crossed over her chest while looking outside the window. She waited for him to be seated before she spoke up.

“Let’s head right away to your apartment.” She said while still looking away from him.

He snapped his head at her when he answered. “Why? How about yours? Am I not allowed to go there now?”

She turned her head towards him and looked at him directly in the eyes. After seeing the rage burning in his eyes, Roseanne realized that she and Taehyung needed to fix a lot of things between them.

“What? Why would you think that?” She asked softly, trying not to raise her voice at his illogical conclusion.

“You’re seriously asking me that?” He scoffed in response. “What would you expect me to think when you resurfaced together with your freakin’ ex-boyfriend after everyone was worrying about you possibly gone missing for a couple of hours yesterday?”

“Huh? I don’t see where you’re going with this. But I can absolutely explain why I was with Chanyeol yesterday. And it’s nothing you should be mad about. However . . .” Roseanne’s nostrils flared up in anger as she continued. “I’m pretty sure I saw someone flirting with his ex-crush in his office yesterday. Guess it was fate that I finished earlier than expected at the university yesterday. Or I probably wouldn’t find out the truth.”

“Truth? And . . . Oh! You mean Areum?” Taehyung responded with his face clouded with confusion.

“Don’t even mention that bitch’s name!” Roseanne barked annoyingly.

“So I can’t mention Areum who clearly had nothing to do with me while you go on blabbering about Chanyeol, YOUR EX. Some double standards you have.”

“I wasn’t doing that. And . . .” She spoke while pointing her finger accusingly at him. “You didn’t even deny that you were flirting with that bitch. Tell me, are you actually cheating on me with her?” She spat at him, raising her voice this time.

“Now you’re being ridiculous! How many times do I have to tell you that Areum and I have nothing to do with each other. Unlike you and Chanyeol who were spending a lot of time together despite the two of you being exes.” He retorted while rolling his eyes.

“Have you forgotten that we’re both working at the university? And we still talk to each other sometimes because of work and nothing more. Ugh! Why are we even arguing about this again?”

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