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In which Nora has a twin sister, Dawn. The reason she isn't seen when Nora comes back from the future, is because the reverse flash took her. That's why Nora is working with him, blackmail.

This takes place when Dawn is taken.

"Goodnight babies." Iris smiled and kissed Nora and Dawns foreheads.

"Goodnight girls." Barry kisses their cheeks.

"Nighty night!" Said Nora full of energy.

"I love you mommy and daddy." Said dawn smiling.

"We love you too sweetie." Barry blew kisses at both of them.

Barry and Iris close the door to the girls' bedroom. And let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm so tired." Barry said rubbing his hands over his face as they walk down the hall to their room.

"Rough day?" Iris asked as she opened their door and patted his back.

"Yeah, I just have been thinking too much about Dawn and what may happen." Barry sighed and sat on the edge of their bed.

Dawn's fate by the reverse flash was to die. To be killed by him. Tonight. They saw the future and they saw Dawn be taken or killed by thawne.

"Barry," iris stood in between his legs and played with his hair. "You're the flash. You will do as much as you can. We have a whole team who can fight this." Iris smiled and cupped his face.

"I love you." Barry looked up at her like she's the only woman in the world. Like he usually does.

"I love you." Iris smiled and kissed him.

"Come on." Barry helped her into the bed next to him.

"She'll be okay." Iris whispered as he held her in his arms protectively.


They suddenly woke up from flashing lights outside the loft windows.

Iris tried to get up But Barry held her back. "Don't move." Barry said as he sped into his suit and checked on their daughters.

"Daddy?" Nora asked rubbing her eyes.

"Sweetheart you have to go back to sleep. Everything's okay." Barry speed walked over to her and gently put her in resting position again.

"Okay. What's going on?" She asked him.

"The reverse flash is here sweetie but you can't do anything okay. You have to stay here. No powers." Barry demanded as he kept looking through the window from the girls room.

"What about Dawny? Can she use her powers?" SHe asked sadly.

"Of course not. No way are you even going outside." Barry said.

"Dada? What are you doing in here?" Asked Dawn waking up from him and Nora talking.

"Hi baby girl, you have to sleep. It's okay everything's alright. I need you to sleep now and I'll see you in the morning." Barry ran up to her bed and kissed her head.

"Why can't we help?" Asked Dawn.

"Dawn, listen to me. You can not go outside or you'll be killed. You can't. That's what gonna happen if you do what that newspaper say-" Barry mentally cursed at himself.

"What newspaper?" She asked yawning.

"Just something that can't worry about. I'm gonna save you Dawn." Barry smiled and brushed her hair with his hand.

"Barry. He's coming." Iris said in fear at the door.

"He's not gonna get to her. Over my dead body." Barry growled as he saw the reverse flash lights flash through the hall of the loft.

"No!" Barry yelled as thawne took Dawn in his hands.

She was looking at Barry with terror and pain. His hands were holding her under her arms and lifting her up.

Nora quickly shot up of her bed and almost cried at the sight.

"Daddy! Mommy! Help me!" Dawn yelled screaming in pain.

"Get your hands off my daughter." Barry inches toward thawne.

"This is a game we'll be playing for centuries. Flash." Said thawne as Barry tried to speed over the room in time but was too late.

Thawne phases his hand through dawns chest.

"Dawn! No!" Barry yelled as iris was holding her other daughter unable to speak.

"No!" Barry yelled as he ran over to her and caught her in his arms.

Thawne sped away as Barry cried on his daughters body.

"Barry. Wha-what do we do?" Iris sobbed.

"I don't know. This is all my fault." Barry cried into her hair.

"Dawny!" Yelled nora crying.

"I'm gonna kill him Dawn. I'm going to." Barry whispered as he cried.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now