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Barry and Iris meet on an anonymous chat app.


You are now chatting with BA, say hi!

I'm Female 26
Male 26
Wait really? You're not joking?
No ma'am😝
Haha that's cool
Where are you from? Not to be some kind of stalker.
Central City Missouri.
Shut up.
Oh ok.
No I mean, shut up, I live there too!
Seriously? This is crazy
Serious! Wow. I work at CCPD as a CSI. You?
I'm a journalist at CCPN.
That's crazy! Such a small world.
It is. What's your name? If I may ask.
I'm Barry Allen.
Wait! Are you always late to work?
Uh- yeah...
My dad has talked about you before! He's detective Joe west. I'm Iris west.
You're the famous daughter?!
Sure am☺️
Wow. He talked about you a lot, mostly because Eddie thawne asks about you all the time😒
Well now you know me😊
We should meet sometime! How about jitters?
That sounds great! How about tomorrow at 3:00pm?
Sounds good. And if You've never seen me before, I'm tall, have brown hair and green eyes.
You sound adorable.

BA is typing...
BA stopped typing...
BA is typing...
BA stopped typing...
BA is typing...

Thank you. I've seen pictures of you on joes desk. You're gorgeous.
I'm blushing, stop.
I'll only stop if you promise to meet me tomorrow.
It's a date, kind stranger. Or Barry Allen.
It's a date.
Here's my number too: 637-827-9287
Cool! Here's mine: 637-719-1626
I'll text you. See you tomorrow beautiful.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now