Dream boy

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Based on my dream. A little bit tweaked. 15 years old Probs.

Iris and her Mom were in the store close to her house. They were just going in for a few quick things.
They grabbed a cart and started to the frozen section. In that aisle there was a boy about Iris age, pretty tall, pale, lanky, but very cute. He was with his dad.

Iris didn't look his way as they passed by him. But of course she dropped her phone out of her hands as she was admiring the Ice Cream.

"Oh." Iris gasped as the boy slid onto the tile on his knees and caught it before it fell and cracked. Wow, he's fast.

"Here." He grinned up at her. He was sitting now on one knee and holding the phone out. Almost like he was proposing.

"Come on Barry." Said his father as he tapped his shoulder. Barry hurries to give Iris the phone and she mouthed a thank you.

He just nodded and caught up with his dad.

"Nice boy." Francine told Iris with a little smirk and iris knew what she was talking about.

"Dear god mom! He was just being polite." Iris heaved a sigh.

"Alright. Let's keep going." Francine smiled and shrugged as they went to the bread Aisle.

"Barry." Iris said in her mind. "Barry. That's a cute name." She grinned and looked down at her hands.

"Iris come this way." Francine waved her on as iris was lagging behind, thinking of the dream boy.

She caught up with her mom and guess who was in that Aisle? Barry and his dad.

Iris gave a little wave as she saw him again. He smiled so brightly it's like he could replace the sun.

When her mom got the bread she needed they headed to the little cafe where you can make milkshakes and coffee.

Iris sat at a table waiting for her mom to order something for her brother Wally.

"I-Is this seat taken." Said a nervous voice behind her.

"All yours." She smiled as she saw Barry.

"Nice." He muttered and sat in front of her on the black cold table.

Barry's dad had been waiting in line with her mom and were already talking.

"Thanks for picking up my phone today." Iris said shyly looking around anywhere else but his beautiful green eyes.

"No problem. I have fast reflexes so why not help the pretty girl." He shrugged and leaned his elbows on the table as he smirked.

"Why thank you." Iris puffed her hair in her hands.

They sat in a comfortable silence. Looking at each other once in a while.

"What's your name? You know mine." Barry leaned in.

"My name is Iris." She took our her hand from in her jeans pockets.

"That's a gorgeous name. And you know I'm Barry." Barry smiles and shook her hand.

"Thanks." She pushes hair behind her ear and blushed.

"Iris come here for a second!" Called her mom from the line.

"I'll be back, don't forget our little date right now." She whispered a little as she got up to see what her mom needed.

Francine asked what flavor Wally wants and iris answered with cookies and creams.

"I'm back." Iris grunted as she sat in the chair.

"Come on Barry we gotta go." Said Barry's dad patting him on the back with a bag in the other hand.

"Alright." Barry nodded and waved goodbye to Iris.

"Bye." She said a bit sadly.

"Mom. Come on. Let's follow them." Iris said excitedly.

"We can't exactly follow them, but I'll help." Francine said as they caught up a bit.

We walked outside and realized they biked to the store. "Their house must be close too!" Iris mentally exploded in happiness.

Turns out they had the same route home. So the west girls were not far behind the Allen boys.

When Francine saw them turn to the big mansion that was their neighbor she stroke up a conversation.

"You must be the new neighbors!" She said as they stopped peddling their bikes and turns around to talk.

"Yep. Been building this for 3 years." Said Henry Allen.

"Wow. It's beautiful. You're very lucky. Were the house right next door."

"Thank you. And it's great to know some neighbors!" Said Henry pleasantly.

"That's right."

"You can come on inside if you want? It's newly decorated from the old one." Said Henry waving them on.

"alright." Francine nodded as they walked up the paved path to the stairs.

"This is gigantic." Iris said in awe.

"Thank you." Henry smiled and patted Barry shoulder to say something.

"I'll show you around." Barry spoke out.

"That'd be nice." Iris nodded and walked with him.


After their little tour, they met up with her mom and his dad. "Exciting?" Asked her mother.

"Amazing." Iris replied.

"That's great honey. How about we head home now?" Francine rubbed iris back.

"Yeah." Iris smiled sadly at Barry as he ran to get something.

"Son?" Yelled Henry for Barry.

"I'm back." Barry came back in seconds, with a notepad and pen.

"Here's my number." Barry scribbled it down.

"You know you could just put it in my phone right?" Iris giggled.

"But I don't want you to ever lose it." Barry smiles shyly and placed the note in her hand.

"We should get going. It was nice meeting you. We will definitely see you again." Said Francine

"Great to meet you. So long." Said henry with a wave.

"Bye." Iris said nervously.

"Bye Iris." Barry waves.

She looked down at the note when they reached the end of the stairs leading to the house.

265-729-8299 (call me anytime :)

This boy......

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now