Losing you

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Iris reflects on how much she's going to miss Barry when he leaves.

It's 2 am. Barry would usually be up checking on Nora by now but she hasn't cried all night. It's like she didn't want to bother us. Knowing it's only a week away. Before he's gone.

Iris turned to her right side and see him laying asleep. On his back. She snuggled closer into his bare chest and on instinct he wrapped his arm around her waist.

It's what he does.
Shes not complaining.

She let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes shut. She held in my tears because Iris couldn't wake him up from this deep slumber that he never gets.

He's leaving. She said in her mind. You'll never see him again. The smiles, the hugs, the kisses, the loving stares, the touching, the caring for you and your baby. All of it will vanish in a week.

Iris had had days where Barry hasn't come home. Where she had to do things she wouldn't normally do by herself. It was little practice days to try and get usages to the agony that will come in 7 days.

The days She was home alone with Nora were quiet, unless Nora was awake. They felt empty, like a void. They were missing something and that void needed to be filled by her husband and Nora's father.

He held Nora when she was sick as a new born. She is 2 now. He held me when She cried about being a bad mother. He took it upon himself to do more than he could handle for his family and team flash.

Iris has told Barry to just quit being the flash on numerous occasions. But his answer was always the same. "If I quit, you'll be in danger, the city will be in danger. I can't quit on people depending on me."

She answered with a simple "ok" every time.

The night before they had sat with Nora watching her favorite movie, Aladdin. They always say the same positions every time. Barry on the left Nora in the middle and Iris on the right. Nora always made Barry sit on the left because she didn't like to look and see the dark room. She was afraid of the dark, just like her dad.

Every movie they watch together, Nora and Iris always fall asleep during the end. Iris still doesn't know the end of Finding Nemo.

Barry always takes it upon himself to pick up his girls and bring them to the beds. When he picks up Nora he kisses her head and whispers an "goodnight Nora. I love you." And would slowly and silently sneak her up the stairs.

Iris stared at him as he slept soundly, for the first time in a while. I know what you're thinking, because they stayed up having sex, well yes, but because Barry has terrifying nightmares about his past.

He lay peacefully with his mouth slightly open. Every once in a while he snores a little. Iris doesn't like snoring but it's better than drooling.

She sat up a little and gazed down at his perfect handsome face. She pushed back some sweaty strands of brown hair and smiled.

Iris had been telling Barry since they starting dating that he looks like he could be a Disney prince. It didn't matter which fairy tale. He was her prince. He was Nora's too.

He was leaving them. He was going to choose something else than to be with his family. But he did it for them. They knew that. But still. It hurts.

She can't imagine what video message he's going to give her. She thinks about it all the time. Is he going to cry? Will he smile? Will he kiss the camera?

She kisses his cheek and watches him stir.

"Baby?" He asked muffled.

"It's me sweetheart." She smiled at his adorableness and leaned into his chest.

"Why are you awake? Are you okay? What's wrong? Is Nora okay?" He asked quickly immediately opening his eyes and sitting up.

"Everything's fine baby." Iris combed her hands through his hair as he sighed and leaned back.

"Thank god." He said.

"I'm sorry I woke you." Iris said with a sad smile.

"It's okay, you can wake me up anytime sweetie." He kissed her.

"Why were you awake?" Barry asked as he sat up against the headboard.

"I was thinking." She scooted into his lap.

She smirked at the feeling of a hard pulsing on her butt. She leaned into his chest and kissed his bare chest.

"About what?" He stroked her hair and held her thigh in the other.

"You. Leaving." She sighed.

"Iris..." he started but she interrupted.

"You're leaving Barry. You're leaving me, Nora, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Ralph, Cecile, Wells, Wally,Jenna, the whole City. You're just gone." She heaved.

"It's not like I want to leave you baby. I would kill to stay with you and my family." Barry sighed. "I love you. And I love out little baby girl, and I would never intentionally leave." Barry kisses her head.

"I know you'd never leave us. But you have to. All at once, I want you to save us but I want you stay with us." Iris let a tear slip.

"I know, I know." He sighed. "I have to protect you Iris. And Nora. It's my job. To protect you too. I'm your husband. I need or keep my girls out of harms way at all times. And Cisco and Caitlin and wells and joe will keep you safe when I'm gone." Barry held her tighter.

"You're right. I just can't live without you." She cried.

"Iris I need you to promise me something." Barry said as she looked up at him as he cleared her tears.

"Anything." She said.

"You need to promise me that when I go, you won't do anything out of proportion. Protect Nora. Be there when she needs you. Don't push her away." Barry said sadly.

"I promise. I love you Barry." Iris sighed.

"I love you Iris." He kissed her slowly.

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