Air guy

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Barry is the air conditioning guy. Iris needs air conditioning. She thinks he's hot.

"Seriously? Are you-?" She said to herself as her air condition turned off in the 90° day.

She stomped her foot on the ground. "You've got to be kidding!" She quickly picked up her phone and searched up her air supplier companies number.

She typed the number and asked for assistance. "What's the problem?" Asked a man on the other line.

"Well my air conditioning broke. Can you have someone to come over and I don't know, fix it." She said annoyed.

"Of course Miss...."

"Iris West." She have them her address.

"Our employee Barry should be there in a few minutes ready to help!" Said the man.

"Thank you." She said relieved.

"Of course. Have a nice day."

"You too." And she hung up. And waited.

She laid back on her couch just sitting there on her phone and decided to text Linda the situation.

She texted back. "Maybe the air conditioning guy will be hot?"

Iris said "unlikely." When she heard the door bell.

She quickly flattened out her sun dress and fixed her hair a little. Trying not to look sweaty is hard.

She opened the door to see a taller, lanky, brown haired green eyed man standing on her doorstep.

She looked up at him and gasped as how handsome he was.

"H-hello." She gulped.

"Hi are you Iris West?" He said looking at a paper.

"Y-Yeah that's me." She smiled nervously.

"Great. I'm here to fix your air conditioning?" He said as he nervously played With his tools.

"Yeah come on in." She moved out of the way for him to walk in.

He rolled up his sleeves that were dark blue and got to work on the central air box.

(A/n I don't know how air conditioning really works. So bear with me)

"Um what's your name?" She asked as he turned over to her.

"Oh I'm sorry. Barry Allen." He sticks up his hand and she obliges.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled as his large hand barely fit in her little one.

"The pleasure is all mine." He made her blush. And get sweatier.

"So how long will this take. I'm pretty hot." She said leaning against her couch as he worked.

"Not too long. You'll get rid of me soon don't worry." He chuckled and used a screw driver.

"Aww that soon?" She said with a laugh.

He turned back at her and smiled.

Her breath hitched.

This boy is so hot.

Not only does he look hot, but his temperature is definitely hot too.

She saw sweat stains on the back of his shirt from the scorching heat.

"It's really hot out there huh?" She said making small talk.

"Yeah it is." He said hiding his blush from around her.

"I'm so sweaty and hot. I'll make us some lemonade." She said as she walked into the kitchen and left him in her room.

Never have a stranger in your bedroom. Iris said to herself, but yet, look where they were.

She quickly made it and ran upstairs.

"Here you go." She said happily and handed it to him.

"Thank you so much." He smiled and took a sip. "Amazing."

"Thanks." She blushes and sat on the couch in her room.

He looked up at her dresser to see a pair of white lace panties and a matching bra.

His face turned a tomato and she saw what he saw too. She quickly got up and threw it in the drawer.

"Ahem. So!" She cleared her throat. "How's it comin?" She asked.

"Good. You're lucky this thing wasn't completely fried." He said wiping his hands on his pants and getting up.

Something about seeing a man work so hard made iris swoon a little.

She looked into his eyes as he pushed his sleeves up more. "All done." He smiled.

"Already?" She said sadly.

"Sadly yes. No more lemonade." He laughed.

"Hah Yeah. Um, would you like to stay a bit?" She asked feeling bold.

"Any reason?" He asked sitting on her couch on the other end.

"I may think that you're cute and want to get to know you?" She said nervously.

"That's right up my ally." He smiled as she lead him downstairs.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now