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Barry and Iris see Joe for hep on what to do from their fight. And when they get home.

Barry's POV

I yelled at my wife. I made her cry, and leave the room distraught. Now she won't even look at me. What have I done.

3rd person POV

"Hey Joe. Uh- can I come in?" Barry asked as He was on Joe's doorstep.

"Bar, this is your old house, of course you can come in." Joe smiled and lead him in.

"Thanks." Barry mumbled as he walked in.

"What's up?" Joe Asked as he sat back on the couch.

Barry walked over to the crib with Jenna in it. He smiled when she giggled at the funny face he made.

"It's uh- about I-Iris." Barry started shakily.

"Iris? What about her?" Joe asked concerned.

"Well, you know that I brought Nora back to the future right?" Barry subtlety asked Joe, fiddling with his fingers and looking down.

"Yes I know. And I thought it was a bad decision Bare. You didn't consult any of us." Joe scolded.

"Yeah I know. The thing is, Iris confronted me today in the pipeline." Barry started as Joe sighed.

"I started yelling at her." Barry said as he immediately looking down from Joe's gaze and let tears slip. His nose was stuffed and he took in a shaky breath.

"Bare..." Joe said softly.

"I made her cry Joe. Then she left, and I didn't even try to apologize!" Barry sobbed into his sleeve.

"Bare come over here." Joe waves him over to the couch.

"I can't believe I made her feel that way. That it was her fault. She didn't deserve to be yelled at. But I was so angry and frustrated and I feel terrible." Barry cried into joe.

"What kind of husband am I? How could I let her leave without asking if she was okay of just giving her a hug. But no I'm ignoring her and she's ignoring me." Barry cried even more, if that was possible.

"Bare, iris knows you love her so much. She knows everything you do is out of love. You said you brought Nora back because you didn't trust her, you wanted to keep the team safe. You wanted to keep Iris safe. She just needs a little breather to understand that logic. She needs to understand your mindset when you did this." Joe rubbed Barry back and forth.

"Yeah." Barry sniffed and wiped his nose with his sleeve and his eyes with a tissue.

"Just give her some time okay? She doesn't get it yet, but when she does she will immediately come to you. If she doesn't realize it today, you or her is always welcome to come stay here for the night to save controversy." Joe softly said as he held Barry hand on his lap.

"Okay Joe. Thank you." Barry put on a watery smiled and gave him a hug. Joe kissed her cheek and said "just take a moment and she will understand." Barry nodded and sped off.


Iris POV

I can't believe that just happened. The loving, sweet, sensitive, husband I thought I knew, just yelled at me and basically cursed me out of the room. He lied to me. My daughter lied to me. Everyone is falling apart.

3rd person POV

"Hi dad." Iris smiled slightly as she walked through the door to see her father on the couch holding Baby Jenna.

"Hey sweetheart." Joe smiles sympathetically. He knew the situation she was in.

"Did you hear about what happened?" Iris asked subtlety.

"Yes I did. Barry came to me. He was a mess Iris. He was crying and yelling at himself for what he did to you. That man loves you too much to see you unhappy." Joe sighed and patted the seat next to him.

"I know he's sorry. I'm sorry too. But what I don't understand is why. Why did he take her back without me and make all these huge decisions without even telling me?" Iris turns to joe as he puts Jenna in her crib.

"Barry loves Nora. He loves you. He brought her back because he thought she wasn't safe to be around the team. He did it for you. For you to be safe." Joe sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Iris, you have to understand where he's coming from. He disappeared when this little girl was a toddler, he never really had memories with her. And I know it sounds malicious that he would bring her back to the time he would never see her, but he made a big decision. And yes he should've told you, but you have to understand why." Joe said.

"Yeah." Iris sighed.

"But why does he always have to be so emotional?" Iris asked with a little chuckle.

"That's our Barry Allen. Sensitive, emotional, basically my second daughter." Joe smiles and gave her a hug.

"Yep." Iris smiled.

"I'll see you late sweetie." Joe smiles and kissed her cheek.

"Bye dad. Thank you. I'll take to Barry." Iris smiled.

-At the loft-

Iris walked into the loft that was unlocked. She walked up the stairs knowing Barry was home.

She heard the sound of light sniffles and heavy breathing coming from hers and Barry's room. She peaked in and saw Barry with a suitcase in front of him.

Iris walked in the room to Barry's surprise. He quickly turned when he heard her heels clack against the would of the room. He quickly wiped his tears and continued to pack another shirt.

"Don't worry I'm going to Joe's for the night." Barry said in a shaky, unsteady voice as he zipped up his black suit case.

Before he left the room Iris said in a whisper. "Barry?" And he turned around immediately.

"Yes?" He answered looking at the time, 10:30.

"I'm sorry." She sighed and looked down at her feet.

"No Iris, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for how I treated you and what I did without you. I can't believe I would ever do that to you." Barry sighed.

"Thank you for your apology. I'm sorry for how I reacted and not listening to you completely. I talked to dad and he told me about what you said to him. And I understand now babe." Iris smiled softly.

"I love you Iris. I'm so sorry I made you feel otherwise." Barry smiled warmly.

"I love you Bare. And I never thought you didn't love me. I always knew. You were trying to protect us all. I love you for that." Iris said as she took his suitcase out of his hand.

"So were good?" Barry asked clarifying.

"Yeah, were good." Iris replied and kissed his lips.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now