Missed steps

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The first time Nora walks Barry misses it. But then he gets to experience something even better.

Barry was on duty. Like usual. Iris was at home caring for their daughter that was born a year ago. Barry couldn't be more happy to welcome a beautiful little girl to his and Iris little family. But the problem was that he never got to see her, he was worried she'd forget who he was to her.

Barry knows being flash and being Central City's finest CSI would prevent him from seeing the little baby grow up fully. And he hated himself for that reason.

He had already missed baby Nora day he first word "Mama." Soon after she said "Dada." He already felt like he betrayed her and Iris. Choosing his job over his family.

But future Nora reminded him that he's the flash for his family. He does it to protect her and Iris. Everyday.

But of course it has repercussions.

Barry was on duty when the lab got an emergency call from Iris. He sped back to Star labs after Cisco told him Iris was calling SOS.

He quickly answered the phone. "Iris, what's wrong?" He asked quickly fearing the worst.

"Nora's walking! Get here now!" She answered quickly and hung up the phone to leave Barry listening to a beeping landline.

"I have to go!" Barry said happily to Cisco as he quickly changed out of his suit and sped out of the cortex.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Barry called out as he saw Nora sitting on the floor smiling with iris.

"She just did it." Iris smiled up at him.

"She walked. And I missed it." Barry sighed and put his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes. A tear slipped his eye knowing he missed the one of the most important parts of his daughter's life.

"Baby..." iris sighed as she got up form Nora and walked over to him.

"I'm a terrible father!" Barry started crying. "I missed her first words and now I missed her first steps." Barry sobbed as iris pulled him into her arms.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen, you will never be a bad father for Nora. You are the most supportive, caring, loving, gentle father I've ever seen in my life. You will never let her down. She knows that when you're not here, you're protecting her and the city." Iris kissed his cheek.

"It doesn't matter. She knows that I'm never here to see her do these seminal things." Barry sobbed.

"Barry, she loves you. You love her. And she knows you're here for her when she needs you. You were just a little late. She'll walk again. Or maybe run!" Iris smiled and grabbed the sides of his face.

"Yeah." Barry sighed and she wiped his tears.

"Yeah." She mimicked and smiled at him.

"Here. Let's see if she'll walk again. Alright? She needs her daddy's help." Iris waved him over to the family room floor.

"Hi Nora Bear." Barry took her into his arms.

"Dada." She giggled and played with his spiked hair.

"That's right. Dada." Barry smiled and pulled her little shirt down to cover her stomach more than it was.

"Walk for daddy, Nora." Iris kissed her cheek.

She tried to stand up but started to be unbalanced.

Barry quickly picked her up before she could hurt herself. "Focus sweetheart." Barry said to her little ear.

"Kk." She giggled.

Barry was amazed when he saw her hand start to vibrate. "Oh my god." Iris said.

"She's phasing. She's vibrating. Her-her powers kicked in!" Barry smiled at Nora who looked terrified at her hand.

She stopped phasing and looked at her father. "Dada? Fast." She said as she fell into his lap.

"That's right Nora. You're fast now." Barry kisses her cheek.

"She's fast now." Iris said in a panting breath.

"She's a speedster." Barry hugged her little body so tightly.

"I promise Nora, I'll always be here for you." Barry smiled at her.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now