Tummy ache

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Request by CaptainSwanEriel I love this request!!! Please send more!😘😘

This is a GrantxReader fic. In which, you have a stomach ache and Grant tries all day to help you feel better. If I say Barry, it's because I'm so used to saying it.

You woke up with stomach pains on a lazy Saturday. Grants only days off are Sunday and Monday.

You woke up and went to the bathroom to try and help ease the pain. It didn't work.

"Are you in there babe?" Grant says groggily as you hear him from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah, I'm just not feeling well so I -uh- I'm just sitting in here." You said embarrassed.

"Aww if you don't feel like that's working I know what to do." Grant leaned up against the doorframe and smiled.

"But don't you have work today?" You asked and winced at the pain.

"Yeah but I could take a day off. Don't worry. You're well being is more important." Grant said through the door.

"One sec I'm coming." You said as you quickly got up and opened the door.

"Hey beautiful." Grant grinned like a dork when you opened the door.

"Hey handsome." You giggled and leaned up to kiss him.

"So, what hurts?" He asked as he carried you to the king sized bed.

Jett has laid on top of the covers and you pet him.

"I just feel bloated and I have gas pains babe." You winced as a cramp came through.

"Period? Maybe you're getting your period." Grant suggested.

"Maybe but I know the difference between those pains. I don't think so." You sighed and laid on your back.

"I know what'll help." Grant snuck down to you tummy and started to kiss it.

"Baby, this is adorable but I don't think Kissing my belly will help my pains subside." You played with his hair.

"Well then I'll give you a belly rub." Grant rolled up his pajamas sleeves a little bit up and got to work.

"Oh god this feels great babe." You moaned.

Grant looked up with a smirk, thinking of something dirty.

"Shut up." You giggled.

"Only when you do." He quipped.

"Thanks for doing this. You're a perfect boyfriend." You leaned down and kissed him.

"Well I do good things to people I love." He grinned.

"I love you too." You said as the pain was immediately getting better.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now