Cute habits

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Barry sees cute habits the twins have that separates them from each other.

Barry sometimes has difficulty knowing which twin is which, if they're wearing the same clothing. Iris likes to put them in matching clothes because she has a mother's eye. Barry doesn't have that. So he needs to notice little things to help himself identify which baby it is.

Cute habits, he calls them. He has told Iris that this is his little system of seeing which baby is which. She thinks it's adorable how observant he is of the babies. She, however, doesn't need his creation. She can tell which twin is which automatically. Barry often gets jealous.


"Okay diaper time!" Barry called and clapped his hands. Iris wasn't home, she was at work, so Barry was on diaper duty. His least favorite job.

"mommy said that you guys are trying huggies today. She wanted to see how it would feel on you, besides pampers. So! Without further ado, let's find my little princess to do first. Ladies first." Barry said to them as they giggled and made grabby hands.

Dawn has a cute habit that Barry thinks is hilarious and adorable. Whenever Barry takes both her feet and gently pushes them towards her stomach, it triggers a little fart to come out of her. So he tested both babies to see which one would react.

"Is it you?" He asked himself as he took both feet of one of his babies and gingerly pushed them to his or her stomach. The baby didn't fart. It was don.

"Hi Donny! You didn't fart so next to you must be your sister." Barry smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll get to you in a second."

"I know it's you Dawnie but I still want to do you cute little trick." Barry said as he held her little feet and slowly counted from 3 to push them to her little stomach to hear her fart. "Weee!" Barry said after she farted.

"That's my little girl." Barry picked her up and brought her to the changing table.

Flashback to the day they were born....
"Aww it's so cute you love playing with her Bare." Iris smiled at him as they laid on the hospital bed.

"She's my little girl. Of course I love to play with her." Barry chuckled. He tickled her stomach and she grunted and let out a little fart. "Babe, this is definitely my baby." Barry chuckled and hugged Dawn close to his chest.


"So, mommy said to give Dawn the purple gloves, and Don the green gloves....ah hah!" Barry said as a lightbulb lit up his mind.

"I will see if one of you grabbed my finger when I play with your hand. If one of you holds on, it's my beautiful boy Donnie." Barry looked down at them in their cribs.

He grabbed the green pair of gloves and approached a baby slowly. He tried to put on the glove but the little baby hand stopped Barry and held onto his finger. "Hi Sweetie. It's you don." Barry smiled and kissed his fingers on his.

"Let's get your gloves on so you don't get too cold outside, Alright?" Barry reasoned and slid them on him.

"All better." Barry said accomplished.


"So Dawn needs the carrots but Don needs the green beans. Hmm." Barry thought to himself.

"If you grab the carrots, you're Dawn, if you grab the green beans, your don." Barry said to himself as he looked at the babies in the high chairs.

"Ready...set...grab!" Barry said as he placed the two foods in front of the babies.

"Ah hah! Dawn got her carrots and Don got his green beans. My good babies." Barry chuckled.


"I'm so stupid!" Barry said as he placed his palm on his head multiple times.

"Babe, it's not that hard. The way I see if it's Dawn or if it's Don is to see which one his a different...body part than the other. You know what I mean." Iris giggled.

"How could I not think of that?" Barry said.

"Hmm I don't know. Maybe they're too shy for you to look...down there yet." Iris shrugged with a smile.

"When they were born they were naked! I saw them. I know what they look like." Barry said as iris comment sounded silly.

"Hmm, I guess mommies are smarter than daddies." Iris whipped her hair in his face.

"Uh no I think mommies need to give their babies more personal space." Barry laughed.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now