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Barry is a lifeguard at Central City country club. Iris nearly drowns and gets saved by a hot guy, who happens to be Barry. Teenagers. No powers. No background.
They work at CCPN as interns.

Iris and her friend Linda had off of work for the day on a nice summer day. Iris had been begging Linda to come to the central city country club pool.

It had been over 80° everyday in central city for the past week and Iris was sick of using a little fan at her desk when she can be relaxing in the big pool with her friend.

Linda was always prepared. Always wanted to be, at least. She needed to make sure she had everything in case of an emergency or an inconvenience.

"Sunscreen?" Linda Asked from the trunk of Iris car.

"Check." Said iris from the driver side.

"Sunglasses?" Linda Asked rummaging.

"Check." Iris said as she rolled her eyes.

"Towels?" Asked Linda.

"Yep!" Iris check her nails and passed the time.

"Earbuds? Hats? Water?" She asked together.

"Yes yes and yes!" Iris called out. "Now get in!" Iris called back.

"Fine." Linda closed the rink and walked to the passenger side.

"This'll be good. A break for once." Iris sighed happily as she pulled out of her apartment.

"Yeah. I like work but I don't like it in the heat of that little office." Linda laughed and turned on the radio.

The girls jammed to the radio the whole ride there. Until they got there.

They took the bag of all their stuff out of the trunk and walked to the entrance that read "CCCC." Central City country club.

They walked to the pool area and set up their things on the lounge chairs beside each other.

Iris took off her cover to show a gold bikini swim suit that hugs her curves perfectly.

"Woah!" Said Linda amazed at the woman's get up.

"What? Do I look stupid?" Iris asked spinning around.

"No! You look hot! You're gonna get a guy today. I bet." Linda laughed as took off her cover up to show a white one piece.

"You look beautiful Linda." Iris smiled at her friend.

"Thanks, I feel stupid. Everyone these days wears bikinis but I just don't like it." Linda sighed.

"Linda, you look amazing." Iris smiled and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Let's get some sunscreen on and hop in!" Linda clapped.

"I don't think I'll really need a lot." Iris laughed.

"I will." Linda sighed.

She covered herself in spray and made iris gag.

"Okay, enough with the spray let's go." Iris giggled and pulled her to the pool steps.

It was a bit crowded and Iris didn't love that, but she'll be fine with Linda.

Iris looked up from where Linda tried to splash her in the face and felt Star struck.

She saw a tall lean chestnut haired lifeguard with black sun glasses and a whole bunch of sexy.

Iris stared him down as he walked with the life floaty and sauntered to the tall white post he had to sit at.

"Whose that?" Iris asked as she was practically falling over with lust at him.

"Oh I've seen him before! That's Barry Allen. Freshman in college." Linda smiled over at his direction.

Iris and Linda were going into senior year. Woah, an older man.

Iris was intrigued.

She jumped out of the pool to check her phone and drink some water. Linda called her back in immediately.

Iris started running to the ledge of the pool where she'd launch off to dive into the pool again when she heard a whistle blow that made her stumble and tumble into the pool.

Iris couldn't tread water. That's why she made her and Linda stay at 5 or 6 feet water.
She was in deep trouble now.

"Iris!" Yelled Linda as she swam as fast as she could.

Linda looked up at the lifeguard stand to see Barry taking off his water shirt and sunglasses as he grabbed the life floaty and dove into the 10 feet where iris landed.

Iris was trying to swim but she just couldn't get anywhere. She saw a body above her but after that sight she blacked out.

Barry had swan to almost the bottom and handled her body to get to the latter.

He kept her in his arms and frantically shook her a little to try and wake her up.

Linda jumped out of the pool and ran over to them and said "iris wake up!" And went with Barry.

"Iris." Barry lightly slapped her cheek to give her notice. "Iris are you okay? Answer me." Barry said a bit loudly to iris in the face.

Linda shook her shoulder but let Barry to the rest.

Iris slowly came to and felt strong firm arms and 4 pack abs against her bare side. "Oh god." She mumbled as Barry rested her on the chair nearby.

"Are you okay Iris?" Barry asked quickly.

"Uh- Yeah I'm Fine. Thank you for saving my life." Iris said flirtatiously.

"It's my job." Barry winked and rubbed her shoulder. "Drink some water you look dehydrated." Barry got her some water.

Linda our a thumbs up and walked away.

"Thank you. Really." Iris gulped it down.

"Even if I want a life guard, I'd choose to save you." Barry smiled.

"Gee, Thanks." Iris giggled. "What's your name?" Asked iris curiously even though she knew.

"Barry Allen." He smiled and stuck his hand out. "And I know you're names iris." Barry laughed and leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Iris West." She giggled nervously.

She couldn't help but look at him. He was soaking wet and in tight red trunks that make his butt like stupendous.

"It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again. Not drowning." Barry smiled and got up.

"Yep. Bye Barry." She waved as he went back to his stand.

She watched as he ass cheeks alternated each side as he walked back to the post. "I am coming to this pool everyday." Iris said as she sighed and laid back in her chair.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now