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Young Nora gets kidnapped and Barry and iris tell the story to Sharon Finkle. (She will ask a question and the scene of what happened will answer it.)

"When did this all start?" Sharon Asked with her pen in hand and notepad on her lap.

"We're home!" Yelled Iris as she closed the door behind 2nd grader Nora. She sped in the house and immediately into Barry's arms for a hug.

"Hi daddy!" Nora jumped into his lap as he sat at the loft counter. He immediately smiled at the little girl in his arms.

"Hi sweetheart." Barry repositioned her more comfortably on his lap and kissed her forehead.

"How was work today?" She asked leaning on him.

"It was fine. How was school?" Barry asked as he bounced her on his knees.

"It was fun! I was talking with Dante and he said that uncle Cisco is making him a super suit!" She exclaimed happily.

"Woah! That's good for Dante." Barry nodded and tried to change the subject.

He didn't want Nora to be out in danger yet. He didn't like having her out there with him and have her get hurt.

"Daddy, can I get a super suit?" Nora asked shyly.

"Nora, we've talked about this. You not getting one till you're in at least 6th grade." Barry let her jump off of his lap.

He sped all the groceries out of the car and helped iris put them away.

"Hi babe." Iris smiled and kissed him.

"Hi honey." He smirked and looked back to Nora.

"Stop kissing and listen to me!" Nora yelled.
*end of flash back*

"So where did the argument go?" Sharon Asked.

Beginning of flash back*

"Dad! I need a super suit! Every one has one! Well that's a meta..." Nora yelled.

"Baby, you can't have a super suit yet." Iris tried to calm her down.

"Why!" She yelled and stomped over to them.

"I don't want you getting hurt!" Barry said like he says every time she asks.

"Dad, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be put in danger." Nora started to cry.

"No one is saying that Nora-"

"But you implied it!"

"Don't talk back Nora. Go to your room now." Iris reprimanded and Nora sped up with tears and sniffles.

*end of flash back.*

"And now she's been kidnapped?" Sharon Asked.

"Yes. And we don't know who took her or when someone did. But they did." Barry sighed.

"Wow. That's quite the story."

"Yeah it is. Nora was always stubborn like me and this is what gets her in trouble. But I don't think she'd voluntarily go with someone." Iris said.

"And through her window of her room? That's someone that was out to get her somehow." Barry said.

"Ok. If you are done with sharing your feelings, I'll see you guys tomorrow then." Sharon suggested.

"Right. Thank you Dr. Finkle." Barry patted iris leg and stood up.

"Of course. I wish you the best of luck to hind your daughter." Sharon said and waved.

"Thank you." Iris sighed and walked out.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now