Store boy

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Iris has some lady needs at the store and Barry works there and helps her find it.

Iris knew the day would come that she'd run out of pads. She knew what would come when she had to buy them. In public.

She knows everyone eventually had to embarrass themselves by buying packs of pads for their period, but she always bought at least 3 packs, on sale of course.

She does that so she doesn't have to live with the humility that comes with having a male worker help you. And of course that's what happens the one time it does....

Iris walked into the shop rite, uncomfortably, because who was really comfortable on their period? Right, no one.

She went straight to the aisle. She knew it like the back of her hand. And exactly her size...was sold out.

"Sold out!" She whispered to herself.

"You've got to be kidding me." She whispered as she saw the only worker there at 10:30 at night was, you guessed it, male.

It was uncomfortably silent in the mini store and iris knew she had to ask if they had any more packs in the back. No other stores were open at this hour!

This was her only shot.

She approached the man at the end of the aisle re-stocking women's deodorant.

Tall, dark hair, light eyes, pale skin, skinny. He was cute. Iris mentally cursed.

She read his name tag. Barry. What kind of name is that? Must be short for something.

"Uh- excuse me, sir." She said hesitantly, having to look up to talk to him. "I was looking for pads and they seemed to run out of the ones I normally use. Could you check if there's any in the back?"

He looked down at her and smiled, trying to be a helpful staff member.

"Oh sure, what kind do you need?" He asked putting down the box of deodorant.

"Ummm, Hmm." She thinks. She wants to go back with him. Be with him more. This was weird for her. She doesn't fall for people she just met. "Maybe I'll know if I see it." She shrugged.

"You're free to come to the back and take a look?" He suggested with a smile.

"That'd be best." She nodded.

They approached the door where it says employees only and typed in a code. "Wow, high tech security here huh?" Iris giggled.

"Yeah I guess so. Everyone must be breaking in here at night." Barry laughed.

"I'm iris by the way." She twinkled her eye and he turned to shake her hand.

"Barry." He shook it.

He opened the door for her and held it till she walked in.

"So the women's department would be right there." He pointed to a huge section with cluttered things.

"Wow. Okay. I'm gonna need a little help here." She chuckled as her heels clicks on the cement.

"Don't worry I'll help you." He said in a reassuring voice.

She blushed and pushed her hair back as they got to the point with pads.

"Oh uh- I-iris?" Barry said nervously.

He noticed something on the back of her jeans that she wouldn't want people to notice. A period stain. Yikes.

"Yeah?" She looked back at him with a smile and stopped.

"You uh- you have a bit of a um- s-stain on the back of your pants." He said playing with his hands.

"Oh my god." Iris looked back and mentally cursed to herself for embarrassing herself in front of him.

"No no- it's okay. I can't help with that if you want?" He said looking around. "I could give you my sweatshirt to wear around your waist?" He said taking it off already on the cold night.

"No I would never ask you to do that! I'm just- it's okay. It's nothing." She shook her head no and continued to look for pads.

"No, I insist." He handed his red sweatshirt to her.

"Thank you Barry." She said with a blush and wrapped it around her waist.

"Of course. I wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself in public." Barry shrugged.

"It seems I already did." Iris sighed.

"It's okay. Really. I grew up with a mom. I know." Barry chuckled.

"Right." She nodded and found her pads.

"Found em?" He asked.

"Yes I did! Thank you so much Barry." She smiled.

He smiled back and said "anytime." She nodded and didn't know what to say.

She got a sudden rush. Electricity.

She went up on her tippy toes and smashed her lips onto his in an instant.

He immediately kissed her just as hard.

"Oh my gosh." Barry said stumbling back.

"Thanks again." Iris smiled and wrote her number on a sticky note she had in her purse.

"I'll be seeing you?" Barry asked as she approached the door of the back.

"You know it." She winked and opened the door.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now