Chapter 22

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I made sure to scan the area meticulously because my life might be at stake. I'm starting to notice that Caul enjoys teasing and toying with his victims before striking, so I must remain vigilant at all times.

All of a sudden, a head appeared from the left pillar 30 feet away from me. My heart started racing, even though my body was exhausted, it pushed through to keep me going.I pushed myself to stand up and attempted to sprint in the opposite direction of the figure, hoping to create as much distance as I could.

I was desperate for a hiding spot, a place to relax, or even just a moment to catch my breath. Suddenly, my eyes landed on a rusty ladder hanging on the wall. Without a second thought, I sprinted towards it, feeling a surge of newfound energy. I was determined to climb my way out of this mess! But just as I reached halfway climbing up the ladder, the stupid thing decided to give out beneath me, and I came crashing down to the ground.

"CAUL YOU STUPID COWARD, FACE ME LIKE A MAN!!!" I yelled angrily into the air. "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" I angrily sat up, picked up some nearby debris, and hurled it against the wall.

"Calm down. He will not reply if that is what you are anticipating." The sound of a woman's voice caught me off guard. I stood up from the floor and glanced around the room, searching for the person behind the voice.

"Show yourself!" I snapped. "I'm sick and tired of being treated like prey, constantly playing hide and seek!" 

"Remain calm, I mean absolutely no harm to you," The woman has greying brown hair, which she has pulled back into a messy bun. Her brown eyes shine with warmth and kindness. She is dressed in a ripped long coat, adding a touch of ruggedness to her appearance. Her pants and blouse are a bit torn and dirty. I recognise her from somewhere, I just can't put my finger on it.

It took some damaged brain cells of mine to figure out who she was. "Miss.... Finch?" I asked unsurely.

"Indeed. Pamela Finch," The woman gave a nod and gazed off to the side, appearing lost in contemplation. I wandered around, searching for an exit or any spark of inspiration to help me devise a plan. As I made my way beside the wall, I spotted several fairy lights arranged in a random fashion along the wall. "Who are you, may I ask?" Miss Finch asked, looking back at me.

"Don't tell me you did this?" I asked gesturing to the lights.

"No, that wasn't my doing. It was Miss Gannett's. It gets fairly dark in here and the wights certainly don't accommodate," 

I felt a tiny droplet of water land on my shoulder, causing me to glance upwards. To my surprise, the ceiling above me was constructed entirely of shattered glass. It seemed like an effortless way to escape, so I couldn't help but wonder why the Ymbrynes hadn't attempted to leave yet.

"You know you guys can escape," I pointed up at the ceiling.

"If we could, we would," There was another voice that spoke. I glanced back and caught sight of another lady. She had a fair complexion, beautiful blue eyes, a slightly rounded face, and lovely blonde hair. Her attire was as tattered as Miss Finch's. It was Miss Gannett. "But we can't," Miss Gannett joined Miss Finch's side.

"Caul has either caused severe harm to some of us, preventing us from transforming into a bird, or he has removed the flight feathers of the Ymbryne." Miss Finch explained.

"Is... Everyone h-here?" I questioned as I noticed my breath becoming trapped in my throat. 

"Indeed. All the remaining Ymbrynes are present. A few of them are situated in this room, while others have been brought in for torture." 

"Kira?" As soon as I heard the familiar voice, I quickly turned around. To my surprise, there was a woman peeking out from behind a pillar in the distance. She had a fair complexion, beautiful long black hair, a slender frame, and was dressed entirely in black. I instantly recognised her, finally a familiar face!

"Miss Raven?!" 

"Look at you, you've grown up!" Miss Raven approached me, and I mirrored her steps until we embraced tightly. She then gently pulled away to hold my face and study me closely. As I glanced around, I caught sight of various movements and faint whispers in the background, with my name being mentioned along with other hushed remarks.

Slowly, one after another, each person revealed themselves from their hiding spots. Despite recognizing everyone in the room, they all seemed drastically different. Some had greasy hair, others had tangled locks. Some wore torn clothes, while others were covered in dirt. Some appeared thin, others almost anorexic. Some had cuts, others had severe bruising. It was evident that these women had experienced neglect and abuse and my heart goes out to each and every one of them.

I couldn't help but notice that my mother was missing from the group of women. A part of me was in denial, but deep down, I wished to see her and make sure she was okay, unlike some of the Ymbrynes who were badly hurt.

Miss Raven gently directed my gaze back to hers, as if she could sense my thoughts or see that I was searching for my mother. We locked eyes until she broke the silence. "She's not here. They took her," Miss Raven whispered.

"Took her where?" I whispered.

"I wish I knew," Miss Raven let go of my face and moved out of the way, giving me a moment to take in everything before my brain was overwhelmed by the information I had just received. 

As I pondered my next move, a familiar face approached me with open arms and a gentle smile. It was Miss Crow. "Come. Join us," 

As I approached her, she embraced me and led me to the centre of the room where the other Ymbrynes had gathered. Miss Crow and I found a seat on a pile of bulky rubble, joining the rest of the group. While Miss Nightjar struggled to ignite a fire in a makeshift pit, I couldn't help but overhear her sarcastic remarks and subtle jabs at the fireplace.

God I hope everyone hasn't lost the plot.

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