Be My Cheerleader

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*couldn't find Cheerleader Jimin and Jock Jungkook fanart, so Jikook high school students will have to do*

Summary: Jimin decides to surprise Jungkook in a cute cheerleading outfit. Jungkook proceeds to fuck him in the boy's locker room as repayment.

Tags: High School AU. Smut. Public Sex. Cross dressing. Consensual Underage Sex. Dirty Talk. Established Relationship. Bottom Jimin. Top Jungkook. Cheerleader Jimin. Jock Jungkook. Hoseok makes a brief appearance. Mentions of Jung Hoseok/Min Yoongi.


Jungkook is so excited. It is the first game of the season and there will be college scouts attending. He is hoping to impress them and knows for a fact he'll exceed their expectations. He is the the golden maknae after all.

Of course...nothing ever goes as planned.

As the team waits, he scans the bleachers for Jimin's beautiful face, his tiny boyfriend, who always comes to cheer for him. Now, though, he can't find Jimin anywhere and he frowns absentmindedly.

It's only a few minutes before the game starts and the school's cheerleaders are making their way onto the grassy field. Jungkook is still busy looking for Jimin and he reaches for his phone from his duffle bag to send him a text to find out where is. He can't help, but to worry about him. He always comes to his football games. He has never missed a single game.

"Jungkook..." Hoseok's voice comes from beside him. He sounds utterly shocked.

"Is that Jimin?" Hoseok continues to say a few seconds later.

That gets Jungkook's full attention and he turns to look in the direction Hoseok is pointing at. He practically chokes on his own saliva when he finally lays his eyes on his precious innocent Jiminie.

There he is taking his starting position among the rest of the primarily female cheerleaders who were stretching in preparation. He wore a little skirt and a crop top, royal blue and silvery white to match the colors of the football team's uniform. A white pom-pom in one hand and a blue pom-pom in the other hand. The tiny skirt and tight fitting crop top leaving little to the imagination, exposing his long smooth pale legs and flat stomach with subtle abs for everyone to admire.

Jungkook had no time to process any of it as he watches Jimin begin to dance, his movements perfectly in sync with the beat of the music.

Jimin moves with elegance and grace as if he were an angel. Each movement as soft as a swan and as powerful as a panther. Jungkook blinks rapidly, his mind struggling to keep up with everything. After an eternity, his mind seems to reboot again and he can focus better, he can see Jimin's eyes searching for his, a knowing smirk on his cherry red plump lips. He was no angel, more like a demon.

"Woah...I didn't know Jimin was so flexible." Hoseok comments in complete awe.

Jungkook averts his gaze from his gorgeous boyfriend just to glare at his friend before turning his attention back where it belongs.

"Hey, I'm just messing with you. You know I'm dating Yoongi." Hoseok says in attempt to stop Jungkook's possessive rampage before it could think to start.

Jungkook barely pays any attention to what Hoseok has to say. He can't look away from Jimin. He doesn't want to look away from Jimin.

Jungkook feels captivated by Jimin's every move. Jungkook's eyes track the way Jimin sways his hips to the beat and lifts his leg to do a pose. His ankle reaches his ear, and Jungkook is no stranger to Jimin's incredible flexibility. Jungkook has experienced it first hand many times before.

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