White Silk Sheets

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*I couldn't think of what picture to put, so why not a cute one? It's too counterbalance the angst and darkness of the one-shot lol*

Summary: It's always been Jungkook's fantasy to take his husband, Jimin, without his consent. Without him having no clue it was Jungkook having sex with him. To pin him down and make him cry tears of pain and forced pleasure. One weekend, he finally gets the chance of making his sick fantasy a reality.

Quick Side Note: I really dislike writing rape of any kind and I'm also not good at writing it. But...someone asked for it and I couldn't bring myself to say no. They wanted to remain anonymous, so I won't be saying who requested this.

Tags: Angst. Smut. Not the good kind. Rape/Non-con Elements. Rape Fantasy. Non-Consensual Touching. Forced Orgasm. Degradation. Biting. Tears. Blood. Rough Sex. Established Relationship. Married. Sad Park Jimin. Dark Jeon Jungkook. Sick and Twisted Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi and Taehyung are briefly mentioned.


It was ready.

The usual red silk sheets were replaced with white ones. When the blood inevitably spilled, Jungkook wanted for it to stain the sheets beautifully. For the crimson liquid to contrast against the pristine white silk sheets.

The dark curtains were drawn and windows tightly shut. Jimin would have no way of escaping. No sharp or heavy objects in the bedroom. If Jimin managed to slip from his hold, Jimin wouldn't be able to hit him with anything excluding his own bare hands.

But Jimin's own hands wouldn't be enough to stop him. Jungkook carefully planned out this for months, close to a year. With his sweet words, he convinced Jimin to stop doing his morning routine of running around the neighborhood block and exercising so frequently. Told him it was okay to indulge in his favorite snacks more often. It didn't matter to Jungkook if he wasn't so fit and toned. He would love him no matter what.

Jimin had smiled adorably and proceeded to say he had the best husband in the whole world.

Jungkook smirked. Tonight, he wanted that cute smile to turn into a grimace of pain. He was truly looking forward to it. The large bulge in his denim jeans was evidence of that.

The ache was persistent, but Jungkook did his best to ignore it. He couldn't afford to get distracted now and ruin his carefully thought out plan. One mistake could ruin everything he has worked so hard for.

Jungkook glanced at the clock hanging above the restroom door. It was exactly 8:00 p.m. Jimin would be home any minute.

Jungkook quickly got into action as he checked the house once again making sure everything was perfect. No wifi, no cellphones, no knives, nothing that could aid Jimin in escaping, calling the police, or hurting him.

It was ready. Everything was ready.


Jimin sighed tiredly as he dropped his car keys on the small table near the front door. He had a long day at work today. His boss Mr. Min was obviously in a bad mood as he snapped at any little thing someone did. His co-worker and best friend Taehyung had a habit of clicking his pen repeatedly whenever he was thinking deeply.

Mr. Min had screamed at him to stop after the fourth click. A deep frown and dark glare painting his usually stoic face.

Jimin dragged a heavy hand through his slightly sweaty hair. The strands of steel blue were stuck to his warm forehead.

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