Liquid Desperation

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*don't even ask why I decided to put this picture lol. It makes no sense*

Summary: With the comeback drawing closer, Jimin and Jungkook are finding less time to spend together. Both are desperate and needy for some quality time. Finally, they have a day off to themselves.


Filthy Jikook Alpha/Alpha porn. That's it.

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Alpha. Smut. Alpha Park Jimin. Alpha Jeon Jungkook. Top Park Jimin. Bottom Jeon Jungkook. Implied Switching. Established Relationship. Other members are briefly mentioned. Mentions of Kim Seokjin/Jung Hoseok.


Jimin thinks it was only a matter of time before Jungkook or himself snapped. Thankfully, one of them completely lost it during their day off.

For weeks, pent-up sexual frustration and tension having been building up between them. The sloppy handjobs and quick blowjobs not enough to satisfy either of them.

Both of have been snappy and quick to lose their temper, Jungkook more so. He was still a relatively young alpha, having presented 2 years ago. Everyone presents at 18, but is only officially seen as presented the following year. At the age of 21, Jungkook still has a hard time restraining his alpha.

Jimin having presented 4 years ago. He like to think he has better control of his alpha, not as much as Jin hyung, but definitely more than Jungkook. Jimin tries his best to help Jungkook not fall victim to the whims of his alpha. But these past few weeks, Jimin, himself has fallen victim.

Jimin had nearly bitten off Taehyung's neck when he kept touching Jungkook. Normally, Jimin didn't mind if the omega was touchy with Jungkook. They were best friends, of course. But Jimin's alpha was on edge from not being able to properly touch Jungkook for weeks. His cherry blossom scent was also becoming so faint on Jungkook.

So to see Taehyung clinging off Jungkook's muscular frame and rubbing his caramel scent all over him was the last straw.

Jimin had let his eyes bleed crimson and growled so ferociously at Taehyung. When Taehyung whimpered and tilted his head to expose his neck in a sign of submission, Jimin knew he went too far.

Hoseok hyung, the eldest omega, had glared intensely at Jimin. His mate, Seokjin hyung, was also looking at Jimin with the same hard expression. Jimin knew he screwed up. No one said anything to him, but he knew.

Jimin knew he had to do something about this situation. It was only a matter of time before Jungkook snapped in a similar fashion or worse. So when their manager informed them of their day off before Idol was released the following week, Jimin knew this was their golden chance.


Both of the betas of the group, Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung, were at their studios working hard on solo projects. Seokjin hyung and Hoseok hyung were out on some romantic dinner date that would inevitably lead them to a hotel. Taehyung was most likely hanging out with some actor friends at a bar.

That left Jimin and Jungkook completely alone. No one to interrupt them.

Jimin was in the kitchen planning to make them a delicious meal. He had taken out a bunch of different ingredients in hopes of getting inspired on what to make.

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