Second Chance at Love

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1) Jungkook and Jimin are basically vampires that drink blood and eat human meat. Much like in Tokyo Ghoul where the ghouls can't eat food, but can drink coffee. It is the same for Servíans.

2) Servíans is something I made up. This isn't a real supernatural creature. Servíans also have the Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, humans don't.

3) Jungkook has silver hair which I know he has never actually had in real life. He also has blue eyes due to being an alpha Servían. Jimin has grey eyes due to being an omega Servían. Betas have brown eyes and in some rare occasions green eyes.

Summary: The hunger never left pulsing in waves that threatened to consume him. He never wanted to be this way, but his father raised him like this. One day as he goes to a coffee shop, he meets Jimin. A Servían-Human hybrid just like him.


Jungkook meets Jimin at a coffee shop. And then they fuck in a empty park. That's it.

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Omega. Mythical Creatures. Blood and Violence. Public Sex. Smut. Fluff. Cliffhanger. Bottom Jimin. Top Jungkook. Omega Jimin. Alpha Jungkook. Servían. Min Yoongi makes a brief appearance. Mentioned Kim Taehyung.


Jungkook swiftly jumped onto the body of the young man feeling insatiable hunger rise inside him. He dug in his hands staining them with crimson liquid that only further enticed him. The sweet scent lingered in the air leaving him practically salivating.

Jungkook chuckled darkly licking his fingers slowly not letting a drop of blood escape. He almost moaned out loud at the sweet taste. He wanted more.

He ripped chunks of flesh from the young man's shoulder letting the delicious taste explode across his tongue. He needed more.

He quickly started to eat all the flesh from the very bones of the man. It barely made a dent in his immense hunger. Jungkook needed more.

He continued to eat the flesh from the other seven bodies that belonged to both women and men. He could almost feel himself getting full as He licked the blood dripping down his lips. Jungkook could only imagine the mess he was.

His short messy silver locks stained scarlet on the tips. His thin black jumpsuit soaked throughly with splatters of blood. His pale slender fingers almost permanently stained red from the continuous blood flowing from the mangled bodies surrounding him.

Jungkook slowly got up from the glass floor thinking about finding one more snack or maybe two. He still felt a little hungry.

"Just another small snack and I think I will be good to go." Jungkook whispered to himself feeling a small dark chuckle escaping his soft crimson lips.


"Servían-related deaths have increased majorly. The police found ten mangled bodies in the Seoul Central Institution just yesterday. The bodies had been mostly drained of blood and little to no flesh remained on the bones. Forensic doctors are still trying to figure out the identities of the victims. Servían investigators will be looking into this increased predation in Seoul. Stay tuned for more." The spokesman said rapidly informing all of Seoul of the arrival of the deadly Servían of Busan.

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