Taehyung Called

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*Poor Jiminie. Seeing him cry makes me cry. I really hate writing fanfics where one of them cheats, but only because it makes me sad*

Summary: After a long night at the dance studio, Jimin receives a call from a man named Taehyung. That one phone call has Jimin's life crumbling around him.

Tags: Angst. Cheating. Tears. Established Relationship. Married. Break Up. Sad Park Jimin. Sad Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook is a jerk. Minor Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung. Hoseok is briefly mentioned.


Jimin groaned as he collapsed onto the soft white sofa. His body was aching from long, intense hours at the dance studio.

Jimin co-owned a nice studio where Hoseok and he taught students of all ages to dance hip hop, ballet, modern, contemporary, and b-boying. It has always been his dream to own his dance studio and teach dance to others. It brought him immense happiness, but it was also extremely exhausting.

Jimin closed his eyes in content to finally be off his feet. He just wanted to stay here, but he had to get up soon. He still had to take a shower and then make dinner. Jungkook should be home in an hour from his job as a publicist.

The living room was dark and silent. Jimin could fall asleep here comfortably if he wanted. His breathing was just slowing down when the shrill sound of the phone ringing echoed throughout the house.

Jimin groaned in pure annoyance before getting up from the sofa. He walked around to where the telephone was.

Jimin looked down at the caller ID.

Kim Taehyung.

The name didn't ring any bells, so Jimin assumed Jungkook programmed the name into the phone. He decided to answer it.

"Hello?" Jimin said as soon as the cool plastic of the telephone touched his ear.

"Is Jeon Jungkook there?" A deep unfamiliar male voice spoke.

Who was this? Probably a friend of Jungkook or something.

"No, he is still at work. You can leave a message if you want." Jimin said softly as he picked up a nearby pen and paper.

There was a small pause as the man seemed to hesitate slightly before speaking again.

"Oh okay. Tell him Taehyung called. He left his boxers and his wallet at my house last night. He was in a rush to get out of here, so he left them behind. I figure he needs his wallet at the very least.."

Jimin felt his heart drop. This man couldn't be saying what Jimin thought. Jimin felt like someone just pushed him into freezing cold water and won't let him up.

"W-why would Jungkook leave his boxers at your house? Did you two have.." Jimin choked out, he couldn't finish the end of his sentence.

Jimin trailed off.

"I don't think you have any right to ask me something like that. Who is this?" The man demanded, his voice angry and defensive.

"I'm Jungkook's husband. Now tell me did you fuck my husband!?" Jimin nearly screamed out in equal amounts of fury and anguish.

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