My Precious Mate

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*no actual wedding here, but this Jikook fanart is cute*

Summary: Jungkook eats out Jimin until he blacks out. And then Jimin proposes to Jungkook.

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Omega. Smut. Fluff. Overstimulation. Fainting. Established Relationship. Bottom Jimin. Top Jungkook. Omega Jimin. Alpha Jungkook. Wedding Proposal. Other members are briefly mentioned. Mentions of Kim Seokjin/Min Yoongi.


It was the early morning. The sun was barely peeking through the white satin curtains of their room. The dim sun rays illuminated both men on the bed.

The soft creaking of the bed, the rustling of the black silk sheets, the cute whimpers from Jimin, and the sinful smack of lips as Jungkook sucked bruises into Jimin's thighs was all that could be heard in the otherwise silent bedroom.

Jungkook could only hope the other members weren't awake this early. The scolding Jin would give them if he heard them would be endless.

"N-no more teasing p-please...Kookie." Jimin stuttered out letting out small sobs in between each word.

"'s okay baby. Let me eat your delicious little hole." Jungkook cooed tenderly, a complete contradiction to the hungry smirk painted on his pale face at the pure desperation on Jimin's own.

His golden amber eyes gazed down at the quivering, sweaty, flushed body underneath him. Jungkook could feel fondness bloom in his chest at the simply beautiful, debauched picture Jimin made. His precious little omega was perfect.

A soft moan spilled like liquid heat from Jimin's swollen, plump, pink lips in response. Lips completely swollen red from sucking his thick cock earlier in the morning.

Jimin arched further towards Jungkook's touch. Jungkook has to stop himself from groaning as Jimin showed off his flexibility. Flexibility that he has experienced first-hand countless times.

Jimin trembles when Jungkook trails teasing slender hands along the heated skin of his smooth golden thighs. Jungkook's hand were almost as soft as the thick thighs, he was caressing so tenderly.

"Alpha, please don't tease... I can't anymore." Jimin begged so sweetly, his pretty voice becoming even more higher pitched than normal. It made Jungkook so impossibly hard, sharp jaw clenching against the urge to just give into his omega's sweet pleads and devour his hyung's delicious peach like ass.

Jungkook could listen to Jimin's moans all day. He didn't find anything more beautiful except for maybe Jimin's singing voice.

Jungkook's sharp hips jerked instinctively against the soft, black silk sheets, the heat and friction causing him to groan. Pre-cum leaked all over the expensive bedding, but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to care at all.

"Patience is the virtue Jiminie. If you're a good omega, your alpha might reward you." Jungkook whispered into the soft skin of Jimin's neck.

Jungkook spoke in a smooth, dark timbre much like melted chocolate. It caused goosebumps to rise across Jimin's sun-kissed skin.

Jungkook draped a silken thick thigh over his broad shoulder before pressing hot kisses full of affection and love across the soft skin. He rolled his hips into the silk sheets again and again as he listened to the soft moans escaping Jimin's pretty petal pink lips. If he didn't stop soon, he would probably cum before he got to the main event.

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