Paper Heart

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*A little drabble to hold everyone over until I publish part 2 of I Don't Care If It's Wrong. This is low-key sad, you have been warned*

Summary: Jungkook had a paper heart. It was fragile, could easily be ripped into shreds or written on until it was unrecognizable. Still, it had the potential to be beautiful and made into something special.

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Omega. Angst. Tears. Love Confessions. Hurt No Comfort. Sad Jeon Jungkook. Alpha Park Jimin. Omega Jeon Jungkook. Possibly Unrequited Love. Bullying. Self Esteem Issues. Sad Ending. Ambiguous/Open Ending. Drabble.


Jungkook had a paper heart. It was fragile, could easily be ripped into shreds or written on until it was unrecognizable. Still, it had the potential to be beautiful and made into something special.

Unfortunately, the omega wore his paper heart on his sleeve. It was subjected to harsh words that left ink stains that wouldn't erase. They were permanent and anyone who looked could see. The paper heart wasn't white, it hasn't been for a long time. And no matter how hard Jungkook tried to erase the inked words, they wouldn't disappear.

Those words were never written in pencil. He was never given the chance to erase them from his paper heart.

Then, Jimin came along. The alpha was so gorgeous, caring, and smelled like the sweetest cherry blossoms. Jungkook was immediately enamored at first sight.

They bonded. They spent every waking moment together. They went to their favorite cafe called The Serendipity to My Euphoria. Or spent chatting away at a cute little secluded park they found. Or watching romantic comedies in Jimin's fancy apartment.

Slowly, Jimin's kind words erased the harsh ink from his paper heart. His beautiful words took their place and transformed Jungkook's paper heart into something amazing. Gone were the voices that taunted him for being ugly and nothing like a omega.

The words that judged him for being a little too tall, a little too broad shouldered, a little too tanned, a little too muscular. The young omega could go on with insecurities that the whole world would hurt him with.

Flaws that alphas Jungkook asked out would throw at him. As well as the omegas that Jungkook fearfully dared to try to court. Or the betas that Jungkook took a sudden liking to. Everybody viewed him as a freak for not being dainty, fair skinned, and small like a omega was suppose to be.

For the longest time, Jungkook cried himself to sleep or hid himself away in big hoodies to be small like they wanted. Or wore foundation that was two shades lighter to be more pale like they wanted. If only to stop the mockery, and the rocks that left purple blooms across his body. If only to be wanted by somebody, anyone.

And Jimin made feel wanted. He made forget that he was an omega and all the labels the world could give you. Suddenly, Jungkook was just a young man who was falling in love with another man.

He was in love with Jimin. The realization had Jungkook reeling in panic. Would the handsome alpha want him? No one ever did, but Jungkook didn't want to live in fear forever. Fear had been his enemy for far too long. He would be brave one last time and offer his paper heart once more.

The omega should've known. After years of rejection, you would think he got the nasty hint. But as naive as anyone could be, he offered his paper heart on a silver platter for Jimin. He did it with big genuine eyes, and open arms in front of everyone.

His paper heart was ripped into unrepairable shreds. No amount of glue or tape could ever fix it.

Laughter. Cruel laughter. It rung in his ears like loud bells and never stopped ringing. Somehow, Jungkook managed to ignore it and focus only on Jimin. His doe eyes staring longingly and pleadingly into Jimin's mocha ones.

The alpha was in shock at the public confession. Jimin's face was red in embarrassment as he glanced around him. Everyone looked ready for Jimin to publicly humiliated Jungkook. And he didn't prove them wrong.

"Did you really think I ever liked you like that?"

"I felt sorry for you. I wanted to be friends, nothing more. You just had to be greedy and want more!"

"I'm sorry Jungkook, truly. I could never love an omega like you."

"Goodbye, Jungkook."

Each and every word were engraved in his shredded paper heart. His tears wet the paper making the inked words smear. Like always, the words weren't written in pencil. He couldn't erase them.

Why? Why couldn't he have an iron heart? One that didn't break, or stain, or felt anything. He wanted to be numb. He lost everything. More importantly, he lost his hope.

This was his destiny. To be alone. The only alpha, Jungkook ever truly loved rejected him for every one to witness.

The young man walked in the cold rain, dragging the soggy remnants of his paper heart. It was hopeless to even try. Why was he even holding on anymore? What was he even holding onto when there was nothing?

Jungkook looked up at the dark sky, the icy rain hitting his face, water droplets mixing in with his warm tears until it was indistinguishable.

He let go.

The ripped, stained, and soaked paper heart travelled down the stream of water. He watched it go with sad, tired eyes. He had to let it go.

It kept traveling downstream before disappearing down a city drain, gone forever.

Goodbye, my beautiful fragile paper heart.


I hope you enjoyed this. Leave a like or a comment if you did. Thank you so much for reading.

P.S. This has not been proofread, so excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes. They are all my own.

P.S.S. Remember if you have a request for me, please go read the chapter Introduction. It will tell you everything you need to know.

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