I'm Sorry - Not An Update

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Read This If You Wish.

This following chapter is not an update.


A few months back, someone who I will not name for privacy reasons, messaged me something not so nice. They complained about me not posting enough and when I did, the stories weren't that great. It really hurt my feelings, but I got tough skin. I let it go and moved on.

Recently, about two weeks ago, another person messaged me something very similar. Again, it made me feel a little sad. It really got me thinking if more of my readers felt the same way. Did my other readers feel the same way, but simply didn't tell me?

I decided to post this as an apology/a response. I'm not even sure at this point.

I'm very sorry to all my readers who wait patiently for new one-shots. I know I do not post very often and when I do they can be pretty short. I always feel super bad about it. I'm not going to make an excuse for it. I don't think it will make anyone feel better. Certainly, not me. I will tell you guys that I am genuinely busy. I actually still have a job even during COVID-19 as it is marked as an essential job. I also still have school even if the school, itself, is closed right now.

Talking about school, I just heard BTS is going to be in the virtual graduation event as one of the commencement speakers. As a 2020 graduate, I'm literally screaming and crying right now. 🤯😭

Go check it out here if you are interested: https://twitter.com/youtube/status/1257686767999713280?s=21

Anyways, back on topic. I just wanted to get this off my chest. If anyone has some issue or problem with me or my book, please don't be afraid to message me. As long as it is constructive criticism, not straight up hate.

Stay Safe, Healthy, and Happy! I Purple You! 😊😷💜💜💜


Thank you for reading and not skipping this chapter entirely.

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