Two Bros Chillin' In A Hot Tub Zero Feet Apart Cuz They're Gay

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*the Jikook moment above inspired this one shot. One of my favorite moments on Bon Voyage Season 4*

Summary: Jimin and Jungkook get hot and steamy(pun intended) in the hot tub after the other members get out to go eat lamb skewers. Only to get seen by a horrified and traumatized Namjoon.

Tags: Smut. Light Fluff. Slight Comedy. Dom-Top Park Jimin. Sub-Bottom Jeon Jungkook. Headspace. Mentions of Dom/Sub drop. Public Sex. Water Sex. Accidental Voyeurism. Mischievous Park Jimin. Park Jimin Is a Little Shit. Shy Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook Is a Sweetheart. The other members make a brief appearance. Namjoon is scarred for life.


As the sound of laughter and chatter escalated, the warm water in the hot tub spilled onto the ground outside in large splashes. Everybody was having too much fun to notice how much of the water was falling over the metal edge.

The ground was so frigid that once the nearly searing hot water landed, boats of steam rose up in the air, leaving light clouds of fog hanging overhead. The cameramen seemed to be having a difficult time recording them properly. The video footage becoming progressively more and more blurry as their faces became indistinctive.

"I think this is all the video footage we are gonna get today. Everybody go take a long break." The first/head cameraman said to all the other camera tech people.

The staff quickly scattered to go eat or rest in the staff lounge. The members of BTS barely noticing that they were longer being filmed. All except a certain mocha eyed, brown-haired angel who was smiling, ironically, in a devilish manner.

Jimin bit his plump bottom lip to keep the mischievous smirk threatening to slide onto his pale toned face due to the cold winter air. Gone was his usually honey-colored skin that was especially highlighted in summer and spring.

It was time to commence his plan. Rather genius plan, he must admit.

"Is anyone hungry? I heard some of the noonas ordered lamb skewers." Jimin said loudly as he relaxed his back on the smooth metal surface of the hot tub's interior.

"Lamb skewers..." The maknae muttered with a dazed hungry look in his eyes.

"Super hungry, actually. Maybe I can film an EatJin as well."

"Hyung you can't. We are in the middle of filming Bon Voyage."

"Oh shush, Joon-ah."

"Yoongi hyung! Don't fall asleep in the hot tub."

"Give me energy, Hope-ah. I need my daily dose of sunshine."

"Hyung stop..." Hoseok nearly whispered with the brightest blush on his high cheekbones. Yoongi only smirked lazily with dopey loving "cat" eyes.

Everybody started to climb out of the toasty warm water and began to shiver at the drastic change in temperature. They all wrapped themselves with plush white towels as they walked to the house.

Taehyung turned around when he noticed Jimin and Jungkook still mingling around in the hot tub.

"Jiminie? Jungkook? Aren't you coming?" Taehyung asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah, I'm comi-ah!" Jungkook started to say as he walked his way to the edge only to be aggressively pulled back by Jimin.

"You go on, Tae. Jungkook and I wanted to stay here a little while longer. We aren't that hungry, yet."

"What? I am hung-ow!"

Jimin smiled brightly and innocently. Looking like the epitome of a cute mochi who could do no wrong. Jungkook knew better. After dating for almost four years now, Jungkook knew behind that innocent mask laid a beast of destruction. Specifically, destroying his ass.

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