Chanel On The Floor

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*Idk how, but this picture somehow inspired this entire mess of a story. No one can embody Chanel like Jimin can, don't fight me on this. If Taehyung is a Gucci model then Jimin is a Chanel model*

Summary: Their marriage wasn't born out of love and affection. It was born out of their parent's greed for money and desire for a family perfect image. Along the way Iseul found herself developing feelings for Jungkook. His dashing looks and that hidden warmth underneath that cold exterior had her falling in love. Something she knew she would come to regret. She was proven right when she caught her own husband making love to the face of Chanel, gorgeous supermodel, Park Jimin. Deep down, Iseul always knew his heart never belonged to her, never did, and never would.

Tags: Smut. Mild Angst. A Sprinkle of Fluff. Infidelity. Not between Jikook. Arranged Marriage. Accidental Voyeurism. Established Relationship(Jungkook and Jimin). Married Couple(Jungkook and Iseul). Original Female Character - Kim Iseul. Bottom Park Jimin. Top Jeon Jungkook. Businessman/CEO Jeon Jungkook. Model Park Jimin. Interior Designer Kim Iseul. Everyone is lowkey sad for their own reasons. Other members are briefly mentioned except for Namjin oops. Brief Mention of Min Yoongi/Jung Hoseok. Ambiguous/Open Ending. Kind of.


A petite woman dressed in a couture chiffon puff sleeve lavender-colored dress and designer patent leather Mary Jane nude pumps entered the expansive office with sparkling clean windows that allowed a wondrous view of Seoul. The bustling city was painted a gorgeous color as the sun began to set. The light streaming through the ceiling-high windows also painted her office in tulip pink, powder blue, light tangelo orange, and soft lavender much like her dress.

She collapsed in her comfy leather chair causing a loud squeak to echo in the silent office at the abrupt landing. She barely held back a tired sigh as she ran a small pale hand through sleek raven locks.

It was Friday meaning she had a family dinner with the Jeon family until it was suddenly canceled. Jungkook had called about an hour ago to inform her and his family that he wouldn't be able to make it to the dinner. Something about piles of paperwork that he needed to get done to close the important deal with Choi Plastics. Iseul stopped listening as soon as the words Sorry Iseul-ssi were uttered.

The older man's voice was so detached and void of any emotion. A robot could've apologized with more sincerity than Jungkook did. While Iseul-ssi wasn't exactly formal, they were married for goodness sake. She could see how her co-workers and friends would stare at her and Jungkook when he addressed her like that in public. She could still remember the sheer mortification of being called like that in front of her two best friends. That wasn't even the worse part.

Iseul had tried to call him Jungkook-oppa and that earned her the deadliest stare ever. He didn't say anything, but his voice dropped into the negatives and the frigidness was a nasty scar across his handsome face. As soon as they got home, he asked her to never call him oppa, pet names, or any shortened version of his name. Jungkook-ssi was the only way he wished to be called. No matter how much the distance hurt her, she respected his decision and didn't object.

Her parents had raised her to be an obedient wife and a well-spoken lady. Her job had been chosen for her much like her husband. Iseul had learned to love interior designing and she was trying her very best to love Jungkook. The dark-haired woman knew that they could fall in love if they tried. An arranged marriage wasn't ideal, but it wasn't impossible for love to blossom within its constricting walls.

Yet, it seemed like Jungkook didn't want to close the distance. They were friends at best and acquaintances at worse. They ate breakfast to speak about how their day was yesterday and what they would do today. Sometimes, they spoke about themselves nothing too personal. Little things like their favorite movie or book. They didn't meet for lunch as their day was scheduled to the last minute with time-consuming projects and mind-numbing meetings.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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