I Don't Care If It's Wrong Pt.3

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*I was gonna do another dirty mind test, but I couldn't find one. So here's Jikook kissing and stuff lol*

It's highly recommended to read part 1 & 2 beforehand.

Summary: Omega Jimin was only 2 when he was adopted by Jungkook's parents and brought into his life. Ever since, they have been inseparable, especially since he practically raised his baby brother at the ripe age of 16 after their parents' death. It isn't long until Alpha Jungkook starts to see Jimin more than his adopted baby brother and as a potential mate.

Quick Side Note: This will contain pseudo incest(sexual/romantic situations between family members who are not blood related). If that bothers you, please do not read. I will not tolerate any negative comments about it after I warned you beforehand. Please and Thank You!

I'm from the U.S so 18 years old is the age of consent. But this story takes place in Seoul, South Korea. The age of consent is 20 years old in South Korea which Jimin is not. Therefore, this is considered underage sex.

Edit: This is not considered underage sex. Apparently, SK age of consent is 16(it used to be 13)not 20 years old. The age 19-20 years old applies to when you become a legal adult. So sorry for the confusion/false information, this is not considered underage anymore, both in the US and South Korea. Some of the story/dialogue have been appropriately changed, but nothing major. The story is still the same, just no underage sex.

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Omega. Smut. Light Fluff. Slight Angst. Alpha Jeon Jungkook. Omega Park Jimin. Pseudo-Incest. Size Difference. Age Difference. Pet Names. Jungkook is Older Than Park Jimin. Jeon Jungkook is Whipped. Park Jimin Is a Sweetheart. Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok are best friends. Hoseok makes a brief appearance. Mentions of Kim Taehyung/Jung Hoseok. Happy Ending.


Try as he might, Jungkook couldn't simply go back to how things were. Pretend to be perfectly fine about the new developments in his and Jimin's relationship. To believe that what happened between was morally right or legal in fact. Jimin didn't seem to share that sentiment.

While, the older man began to bury himself in his work to create some semblance of distance and avoid touching Jimin any more than necessary. Jimin clung to him even harder and longer. The dancer touched him without restraint or shame. Sometimes, the younger man would try initiating more, but Jungkook always managed to stop it before it progressed any further.

The omega would never fail to look at him with sad watery eyes and furrowed eyebrows. It made him hate himself even more for hurting Jimin yet again. Jungkook couldn't help, but think that he somehow forced himself on his little brother.

Sure, the younger man gave consent, begged for it really. But in the eyes of the law, Jimin couldn't be his adopted brother. It didn't matter if Jimin wanted it. Jungkook as the legal adult and guardian, he should've rejected the omega's advances.

The older felt lost on what to do. On how to make things right without breaking Jimin's heart and his own in the process.

This is how Jungkook found himself here. At a fancy private restaurant called Epiphany eating bulgogi with his best friend and hyung sitting across from him. Hoseok was drinking a cup of makgeolli and watching him with amused, yet concerned eyes for Jungkook to gather his wits and come clean with his hyung.

"Hoseok hyung...today I called you because I need your help, but not just as my best friend. But as the only lawyer I know and trust." Jungkook finally said in one big whoosh.

The sunset orange haired omega's face became marred with deep concern and he set down his alcoholic drink in favor of giving his favorite dongsaeng his full attention. It was rare to see Jungkook so full of nerves and face painted with pure anxiety.

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