The Right Time

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*this is actually Pregnant Jimin, not Jungkook. I couldn't find any fanart on Pregnant Jungkook. Somebody needs to draw Pregnant Jungkook*

Summary: Jungkook wants to have a baby with Jimin whatever means necessary. That means having sex while Jimin is asleep. Jimin doesn't mind one bit.

Quick Side Note: Jimin was born with silver hair and blue eyes. Jungkook was born with medium toned brown hair and golden brown eyes(close to his natural hair color and eye color).

Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. Alpha/Omega. Smut. Fluff. Consensual Somnophilia. Consensual Sex. Mpreg. Established Relationship. Married. Omega Jungkook. Alpha Jimin. Bottom Jungkook. Top Jimin. Future Fic. They have temporarily retired from being idols.


As Jungkook entered their shared bedroom, he could see Jimin dead asleep on the queen sized mattress. Jimin has been asleep for hours already. Jungkook came to bed much later than usual, after spending too much time browsing the deep web.

Jungkook's browsing history would surprise anyone who knows him well enough. Tabs after tabs on baby care, baby clothes, pregnancy symptoms, and much more. The answer is simple. Jungkook wants to have a baby so badly.

Specifically Jimin's baby. A perfect combination of the two of them, growing inside him. Jungkook can imagine a little boy or girl with Jimin's beautiful blue eyes.

Jungkook wants that with Jimin so badly. He's been dreaming of it for what seems like forever. Three years into their marriage, with 6 years prior of being boyfriends. Their family and friends have started to ask when they would have kids. They would always respond with a, "When we're ready.." or "Not yet."

And sincerely speaking, Jimin and Jungkook weren't ready. After 11 years of being BTS, Kpop sensations, they officially went into hiatus this year. Being an idol was time-consuming and left no time for a kid. But now, they could.

Behind Jungkook, Jimin who seemed to be still unconscious turned towards Jungkook slipping an arm over his waist. Jungkook reaches up to take Jimin's soft hand, biting his bottom lip anxiously, before sliding it a little lower on his flat belly, where his fingers might cover a growing bump one day. Hopefully, very soon in the future.

Jungkook hasn't mentioned this to Jimin yet or had a serious conversation about it. His laptop history might be an obvious hint since Jimin tends to use his laptop more often than not. The number of times Jungkook has pointed about a cute family with kids might be another obvious hint. Another obvious hint is the fact that just last night Jungkook refused to let Jimin come until he was inside him, even though Jungkook has been on birth control since they started dating.

So the chances of Jungkook getting pregnant are close to none. Deep down, Jungkook wanted to get pregnant as a surprise, but he knew he had to speak to Jimin about it first. Jungkook needed to be sure that Jimin wants this too, a family with him.

But the thought of being pregnant with Jimin's child. It is something that Jungkook wants more than anything.

Jungkook turns onto his back, tilting his head to face Jimin's sleeping form.

"Jiminie.." Jungkook whispered trying to bring Jimin back into the world of the living.

Jimin doesn't move an inch, so Jungkook starts to shake him.

"Jiminie, I need to talk to you." Jungkook continues to say in a louder voice.

"Mmh... what is it Jungkookie?" Jimin practically yawns out as his hold around his body tightens.

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