The Rooftop

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*Spiderkook is my life. Also this one-shot is a pretty bad, cringey mess. Don't say I didn't warn you*

Summary: Spiderman Jungkook and his boyfriend Jimin haven't had time to themselves due to Jungkook's spiderman duties and Jimin's job at the Daily Bugle. Conclusion, they fuck on the rooftop of some random building.

Quick Side Note: My spiderman is solely INSPIRED by Tobey Maguire's spiderman and the 2018 video game: Marvel's Spiderman. I DO NOT OWN SPIDERMAN IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM.

Tags: Superheroes & Superpowers AU. Smut. A Sprinkle of Fluff. Top Jungkook. Bottom Jimin. Jungkook is Spiderman. Spiderkook. Reporter Jimin. Cute Park Jimin. Semi-Public Sex. Established Relationship.


If anyone asked how Jungkook got to be in this position, he wouldn't know what to say. Not that he was complaining. Not at all.

"K-kook...Kookie," Jimin whimpered softly.

Slowly, Jimin seated himself on Jungkook’s thick cock. Jungkook clenched his jaw as he struggled not to thrust up instinctively into him. Jimin was so tight and wet it was almost edging into blissful pain.

Although, it felt like all eternity, it wasn't long before Jimin bottomed out. They both let out a long shaky breath as they gazed into each other's dark eyes.  Jungkook slid his slightly rough fingers up Jimin’s soft chest and back down his lean arms, knowing that it brought Jimin comfort and his clumsy little mochi would need something to hold onto.

Jungkook's large calloused hands would be the best choice. It didn't take long for Jimin to link his smaller fingers with his and set his wobbly knees a little farther apart before rolling his hips downwards.

"Just like that baby." Jungkook grunted in encouragement, feeling so helpless to the pleasure.

Jimin arched his slender back perfectly reminding Jungkook of the days when Jimin was pursing a dancing career. It was sad that no one ever gave him a single chance to shine on stage. Jungkook knew if given the chance, Jimin would've been incredibly famous.

The older man's chest was pushed out quite prettily, his nipples flushed cherry red and perky from the cold air. It was mid-November and close to 11 o'clock, the moon already glimmering brightly in the starry night sky.

Jimin's fat ass jiggled slightly each time he bounced, as he tried to feel every inch of Jungkook's length. He let out a string of soft moans as he moved his hips in such a hypnotic manner. It certainly hypnotized Jungkook.

His dull nails dug little marks into Jungkook's perfectly chiseled chest through his suit, but Jungkook didn’t mind the slight pain. Jungkook was starting to think he might just have a slight pain kink when it came to Jimin.

The slap of skin against slap got progressively louder as Jimin began to bounced harder on Jungkook's lap. As did the sweet moans from Jimin and the harsh grunts from Jungkook.

If anyone else happened to be on the rooftop, they would've definitely heard them already. Jungkook could see the headlines already from the Daily Bugle, Spiderman, friendly neighborhood hero? More like public sex fiend of the city.

Thankfully, this was a secluded building where Jungkook did a lot of crime watching during his nightly patrol. And it helped that the Daily Bugle's head photographer and reporter was too busy bouncing on spiderman's lap to report this.

"P-pay attention to me Jungkookie." Jimin whined as his hips stuttered while he rode Jungkook faster.

"Fuck...sorry baby." Jungkook replied as he moved his hands to grip Jimin's slim waist in order to guide his movements better.

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