What The Eyes Didn't See

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*a picture of Jungkook crying seemed appropriate lol. I also couldn't find any fanart that fit the story*

Sequel To Crevasse.
It's recommended to read it beforehand.

Summary: The night of the company party, an intoxicated Jungkook ends up going home with a random man. He wakes up with little recollection only to find out that he cheated on his husband Jimin. What Jungkook doesn't know is that he wasn't just drunk, he was drugged as well.

Quick Side Note: This is RAPE! Taehyung spiked Jungkook's drink with GHB also known as a date rape drug. The drug was also laced with an aphrodisiac which stimulated sexual desire.

Tags: Angst. Infidelity. Married Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin. Minor Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung. Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con. Implied Sexual Content. Implied/Referenced Sex. Non-Consensual. Non-Consensual Drug Use. Drugged Sex. Sad Jeon Jungkook. Crying Jeon Jungkook. Sad Kim Taehyung. Jimin makes a brief appearance, but is mentioned multiple times.


Jungkook took gradual sips of his sparkling white champagne not wanting to get drunk. He wanted to stay clear-minded tonight. Both Jimin and Jungkook, himself disliked whenever he came a bit too tipsy from the annual company party. He decided tonight he would have a few drinks, but some water in between to keep hydrated.

Jungkook smiled slightly at some of the antics of his co-workers in the marketing division. They were acting more care free, if you could call it that, than usual due to the alcohol.

Jungkook was simply enjoying the break from all the stress his job could sometimes bring. When a handsome young man, one that Jungkook has never seen at any of the annual parties before approached him.

"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" The unknown man asked charmingly.

Jungkook shook his head while sending the man a polite smile. The blonde haired man sat down next to him returning the smile which oddly resembled a square.

Jungkook wasn't planning to start up a conversation preferring to drink in silence. Most of his thoughts on Jimin who was waiting for him at home. Jimin who was probably cuddled up in one of Jungkook's large old college hoodies. Jungkook sighed wishing he was home instead of obligated to be here.

The man next to him seemed to have another plan in mind. Not a minute or two later did he try to initiate a conversation.

"Seems like I haven't introduced myself. I'm Kim Taehyung, I just started an internship here." The man named Kim Taehyung began to say.

"Oh really? I wasn't aware that the company had an internship program. Jeon Jungkook by the way." Jungkook responded somewhat confused.

Taehyung shifted nervously as the large smile wavered slightly on his face. Jungkook felt suspicion well up inside him, but he shook the thought away. Taehyung was probably just a nervous guy.

"It's a new thing. I'm sure they'll start telling the employees about it soon. Anyways, it's nice to meet you. What is your position?" Taehyung said quickly shifting the conversation away from the internship fiasco.

Soon enough, Jungkook felt like he had become great friends with Taehyung. He was nice and easy going, a bit nervous and tongue tied at times.

The conversation had somehow shifted towards Jungkook's favorite person in the whole world, Jimin. His adorable mochi of a husband.

"Jimin sounds like an amazing man." Taehyung said after Jungkook went on and on about Jimin.

"He is. I'm lucky to have him. It still stuns me to think that he picked me to be by his side for all eternity. I think you would be the best of friends if you guys ever met." Jungkook answered, a dreamy smile on his face.

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