Convince Me To Stay

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Dedicated to BTSDragonslayer
So sorry for the long wait! I know it's not exactly what you asked for, but I kind of lost control of the storyline. If that makes any sense lol. I hope you still like it! <3

Summary: Coldhearted mafia boss Park Jimin has his men go kidnap his greatest enemy. Instead, he finds himself stuck with a sassy 18-year-old named Jeon Jungkook. Somehow in the process, Jungkook and Jimin find themselves falling in love. It's something neither of them expected.

Tags: Mafia AU. Angst. Smut. Some Fluff. Angst with a happy ending. Bottom Jungkook. Sub Jungkook. Top Jimin. Dom Jimin. Dirty Talk. Violence. Semi-Graphic Torture. Water Boarding. Sad Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook is scared of Jimin. Only briefly though. Sad Park Jimin. Needy Jeon Jungkook. Cocky Park Jimin. Only with Jungkook though. Implied Crossdressing. Jungkook could possibly be wearing blue panties, but who knows...


"Target Enigma is south of the floret shop. It appears he is walking in the direction of his residence. Team Delta proceed to infiltrate his residence. Team Charlie keep eyes on the target. Team Bravo split into two groups to head east and west in case he decides to change the route. Team Alpha stays here at the base." The lead officer commanded through the headpiece situated on his head.

Everyone was on edge. At any moment, Enigma's men could appear and foil their carefully thought out plan. It was odd that no one has appeared yet or has been seen next to the target. Enigma was a careful man and never went anywhere without his bodyguards.

No one questioned it. They called it a struck of luck. This could be their only chance to kidnap Enigma and bring him to their boss. The lead officer of Plan KNE felt a shiver go down his spine at the thought of failing. His boss would his head, or more accurately his fingers.

Infamous Mafia Boss in the underground, Park Jimin, was notoriously known for his cold demeanor and lack of mercy. Every failure one of his men committed, a finger was cut off as repayment. In worse cases, the entire hand went off. He already lost one finger in his right hand and only had nine left. He knew if he messed up a mission this important, he would lose his hand or possibly get green-lighted.

The commanding officer shook his head. He needed to concentrate. This plan couldn't fail. Every step was anticipated and carefully constructed. There was a backup plan for the backup plan.

The man prayed for it to succeed. He wanted to see his wife after this. Preferably with his body intact.


The room was frigid cold as the silence enveloped everyone. A pin drop could be heard in the deadly silent room.

"Does anyone wish to explain how this young man was confused as Enigma?" Jimin asked with a soft smile.

Everyone froze at the sight of his smile. Park Jimin didn't smile. Not ever. It could be a sign that he finally lost it or he was so angry he could only properly express it with a smile.

"Well? I don't like to be left waiting." Jimin repeated once again, ice creeping into his voice at everyone's negligence to answer.

"S-sir. The entail said Enigma lived in the same apartment this man lives in. He also fits the description to the scar on his left cheekbone. Someone from the inside purposely messed up the entail or this man isn't who he says he is." The commanding officer of plan KNE informed Jimin with the slightest stutter in his voice, trying hard to project confidence.

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