Preferential Treatment

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*The ifunny above inspired this one-shot. I thought it was pretty funny and kinda of accurate lol*

Summary: Jimin has always been given preferential treatment by Jungkook. Jimin could never truly annoy Jungkook like everyone else can. Everyone notices it except Jimin, of course.

Tags: Fluff. Too sappy at times. Slight Comedy. Cuddles. Mutual Pining. Friends to Lovers. Sort of. Cute Park Jimin. Shy Park Jimin. Oblivious Park Jimin. Jeon Jungkook is Whipped. Other members make brief appearances except Seokjin and Yoongi. Seokjin and Yoongi are briefly mentioned.


Jungkook clenched his teeth in pure irritation as Taehyung kept bouncing all over his bedroom. On his bed, on the bean bags, on his desk chair, on any pile of dirty or clean clothes.

He took a deep breath as he tried concentrating on his game. He didn't always get the chance to play Overwatch, so when he could, he took the chance happily. It was just like Taehyung to come bother him.

"Jungkooook~ Come watch One Piece with me!" Taehyung sang as he bounced repeatedly on Jungkook's bed as if it was a trampoline.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his annoying hyung. Sometimes he wondered if he was truly the maknae or if it was Taehyung.

"Come on Jungkook! You've been playing for over two hours." Taehyung complained as he began to pout like a man child.

"Go away hyung." Jungkook answered plainly, not even bothering to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung crossed his arms in frustration before his eyes lit up. He had an idea, not a great one, but it just might work. Or fail miserably. He wasn't one to think negatively.

Taehyung bounded across the room towards the front of the flat screen TV as he started to wave his arms around like a maniac. The long sleeves of his shirt waved around everywhere covering most of the screen.

The sound of his character dying was the last metaphorical straw. Jungkook stood up and quickly walked towards Taehyung. Everyone knew better than to bother him while he played Overwatch.

Jungkook picked Taehyung's squirming figure and slung him over his broad shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey! Wait up, Jungkook!" Taehyung yelped as the younger man left his room and headed straight towards Taehyung's shared bedroom.

A pained groan left Taehyung's mouth when Jungkook roughly threw him on his bed. The bed squeaked loudly under the force of the throw.

Jungkook gave him a hard glare before leaving the room with a harsh slam of the door.

"That brat...freaking muscle bunny." Taehyung huffed before he rolled off his aching ass and back.

Later on, in the day, most of the members were out doing who knows what. Jungkook took this as an opportunity to play Overwatch in the living room with the ultra HD 70" flat screen TV and surround system.

"Damn it..." Jungkook grumbled loudly as he pressed buttons on his controller intensely.

Jungkook was so into his game, that he didn't notice Jimin and Taehyung coming back home from one of their many best friends dates.

"Jungkookie!!" Jimin said happily as he skipped his way towards the slightly annoyed maknae.

"Jimin I don't think-," Taehyung started to say, but was ignored.

Jimin wrapped his lean pale arms across Jungkook's broad back as Jungkook continued to focus on his game. Jimin cuddled closer as he mushed his face into the place where collarbone became shoulder.

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