Let's Not Pretend

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*not sure how this fits with my fanfic, but I just love this Jikook moment. Just KISS ALREADY!*

Summary: Jungkook is trying to come out to his parents as bisexual, and thinks the only way to do it is by telling them Jimin is his boyfriend. Jimin is not so sure about this.

Tags: Cute. Fluff. Kisses. Friends to Lovers. Best friends. College Students. Coming Out. Mutual Pining. Bisexual Jungkook. Gay Jimin. Slight Angst. It's barely there, I promise.


"What? No!" Jimin nearly yelled getting the attention of a few people down the school hallway, so he tried lowering his voice down.

"Are you serious?" Jimin wondered, his voice colored with shock.

"I'm being completely serious hyung. It's not even a big deal." Jungkook retorted, biting his pink bottom lip with two cute bunny teeth. A nervous habit of his.

"Jungkookie.... this is a big deal and you know it." Jimin sighed out almost in resignation.

Although, Jimin really didn't want to do it for several reasons. One being that Jimin was completely in love with Jungkook and pretending to be with Jungkook would kill him inside. Because he knew it wasn't real, would never be real.

"Jimin hyung please. You know how hard it was for me to even tell you the truth? I can't even imagine telling my parents, you know how they are.." Jungkook begged trying his hardest to convince him to follow through with his absurd plan.

Jimin couldn't help but nod in agreement. Jungkook was so terrified that his hyung would reject him. He had been in Jimin's room shifting nervously on his bed waiting for Jimin to return from dance practice.

As soon as Jimin entered the room, Jungkook just blurted out,

"I like penises and vaginas!"

Jimin froze. His pink duffle bag falling from his tiny hand and hitting the white carpet of Jimin's bedroom with a low thud.

Thinking about it now.. Jungkook wasn't as nervous as he remembered. He also tended to blurt out random things under pressure. Maybe it would be best to go through with his plan just to stop him from coming out to his parents much like he did to Jimin.

"If you agree then you know I can't do this alone. What if I tell them what I told you when I came out to you? Or worse? Please hyung!" Jungkook begged desperately.

Jimin sighed once again, "I don't know Jungkook...your parents know we are best friends. Why would we suddenly be together? Would they even believe it?"

"No clue, but we have to try something. Maybe we can say that we were waiting for the right time to announce our love or something like that." Jungkook suggested having a thoughtful expression on his face, making a flock of butterflies flutter in Jimin's tummy.

How Jimin wished what Jungkook was saying was true and genuine. That they were really waiting for the right moment to announce their love. That seemed all, but a distance dream.

"That might work." Jimin eventually responded, making the younger man smile widely showing off his cute bunny teeth.

"Does that mean you are gonna do it?" Jungkook hesitated looking right into Jimin's soft brown eyes with his hopeful ones.

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