Pieces of Confetti

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*I don't know why, but Jikook smiling with confetti falling around them seems so romantic and sweet. Like when they saw the first snowfall together*

Summary: Every concert tour, Jungkook gives Jimin a single piece of confetti. Each a different color, different length, different texture, different shape. Each one was special. Each one told a story and held a memory. Jimin cherished each one as if they were precious gems, not pieces of cheap confetti.

Quick Side Note: I purposely did not include every single concert tour such as Wake Up: Open Your Eyes Japan Tour(2015) and The Most Beautiful Moment in Life On Stage: Epilogue(2016). I did this because it didn't fit well with my story and would've messed it up otherwise. I also didn't include the most recent tour, Love Yourself: Speak Yourself World Tour(2019). I could have, but in the end, I felt it was best to end it with the Love Yourself World Tour(2018).

Tags: Fluff. Fluff Overload. Kissing. Love Confessions. Mutual Pining. Cute Jeon Jungkook. Cute Park Jimin. Flustered Jeon Jungkook. Flustered Park Jimin. They are so in love. Canon Universe. Canon Compliant. Other members are briefly mentioned/make a brief appearance.


Seoul, South Korea
The Red Bullet Tour
October 19, 2014

It was the last day in Seoul, yet only the beginning of the Red Bullet Tour.

Jimin felt so happy, yet nervous. This was their first tour as Bangtan Sonyeondan. The excitement backstage was palpable as the staff members ran back and forth getting the boys ready, and the other members shook with excessive energy and nerves.

It was their third day in Seoul. It shouldn't have been so nerve-wracking at least not as much as the first day. Yet it was. They all wanted to leave a lasting impression on the thousands of people cheering for them. Jimin couldn't wrap his head around that. Around 5 thousands of people were excited to see him perform, live his dream on stage. It was crazy to think so many people wanted to see him, see them.

Jimin couldn't help but smile brightly. Bangtan Sonyeondan has come a long way since June 13, 2013.


Jimin was smiling as the confetti fell all around them as the concert slowly came to a beautiful ending. It closed a door and opened another door.

Jimin let the cheers of their fans wash over them like gentle waves. He closed his eyes wishing for this moment to never end, yet blossom into something bigger.

Jimin felt a pair of warm, soft hands grab his own. They were softer and slightly smaller than his own.

Jungkook, Jimin sighed out softly. It was quickly drowned out by the screams around them.

"Jimin hyung..." Jungkook whispered right into his ear, so he could hear despite all the noise.

Jimin let himself be turned around by Jungkook's gentle touch. He looked at Jungkook straight on. He didn't have to look up to stare at him, but he didn't have to look down either.

It feels like it was just yesterday that Jungkook was tiny and Jimin had to tilt his head down slightly to stare at him. Now, they could stare at each other like equals. Jimin feared it wouldn't be long until he would be the one staring up at Jungkook.

Jimin was pulled out of his thoughts when Jungkook pulled one hand up as he held it tenderly with his own. Jimin didn't question his touch, yet he found it a bit odd. Jungkook rarely initiated any sort of contact between them. It was usually Jimin and even then Jungkook pushed him away.

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