Ray Of Sunlight

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*Jimin looking so beautiful as the sunlight hits his face. Jungkook agrees lol*

Summary: Jungkook and Jimin had a crazy night yesterday. Jungkook wants to continue the morning after. Jimin is not complaining.

Tags: Smut. A Sprinkle of Fluff. Morning Sex. Safe Sex. First Time. Feelings. Dubious Somnophilia. Consensual Sex. Sensitivity. Bottom Jimin. Top Jungkook. Canon Universe. Canon Compliant.

Why Dubious Somnophilia? Although, Jimin is not against Jungkook touching him in his sleep. He never explicitly consents to it which is why it is dubious. But don't worry, Jimin is not forced in any way. *wink wonk*


The sunlight was bright even through his eyelids. Jungkook squeezed them shut tightly as if that would stop the light from seeping through. Obviously, it didn't help.

"Agh...Damn you Jimin" Jungkook groaned as he raised a hand to shield his eyes from the glaring sun.

Jimin really needed to get some curtains. All he had on his windows were white blinds that did nothing to protect them from the morning sun.


Why was he in Jimin's hotel room in the first place?

The younger man rolled over to the other side, only to see a honey blond mop of hair resting on the white pillow beside him. Either that was Jimin or some stranger was in bed with him. In Jimin's hotel room...

Suddenly the events of the night before came flooding into his head and Jungkook was hit with a hot wave of arousal. And the cold sense of panic.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

There was no need to panic. Jungkook and Jimin were both adults. They could have a civil, mature conversation on what occurred.

Jungkook sighed hopelessly. He shifted his eyes back towards Jimin's sun-kissed skin and naked slim body. Jungkook couldn't help but gulp at the stunning sight.

Jimin laid on his stomach peacefully upon his crumpled white sheets, still dead to the world in his slumber. His head was turned towards Jungkook, even breathing warm against Jungkook's neck. Each puff of air felt like a soft caress against Jungkook's skin. It was starting to heighten Jungkook's arousal to almost unbearable levels.

The soft blanket seems to have been kicked off the bed. It left honey-colored skin exposed for all to see. Such smooth skin that Jungkook ached to touch. For now, Jungkook simply feasted his hungry eyes on Jimin.

Jungkook should've felt a bit creepy for just staring at Jimin. But he wasn't creepy. After, everything they did last night, there wasn't much else to see. Jungkook has seen every nook and every cranny. Touched the most intimate parts of him, kissed and licked.

Jungkook's gaze traveled down the other man's slender back and he could not help but groan for the second time that morning. This time for a completely different reason.

Dear Lord. Jimin had such a beautiful ass. And knowing Jungkook did more than just look at that ass last night, it had Jungkook's arousal skyrocketing.

It was beautiful. More beautiful than any of those tight jeans Jimin wore could do it justice. Jungkook could picture it perfectly. The usual material of denim stretching tantalizingly over the firm roundness of his plump cheeks as the older man bent down to stretch for dance practice. Or the muscles flexing against the fabric when he did those illegal hip thrusts on stage.

Now it was...

Gorgeously bare, fully exposed and Jungkook swallows heavily at the sight of it.

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