All I Need Is A Yes

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*couldn't figure out what fanart to use. I think this one fits the storyline alright*

Summary: Jungkook wants Jimin, but he won't touch him unless Jimin says yes. Jimin won't say yes, he won't do it, right?

Tags: Smut. Consent Kink. Begging. Implied Sexual Content. Top Jungkook. Bottom Jimin. Needy Jungkook. Jimin can't say no to Jungkook. Jimin is whipped for Jungkook. Canon Universe. Canon Compliant. Drabble.


Jimin was not going to say yes. Nothing Jungkook said or did could make him, right?

Jimin shook his head mentally. No. He wasn't going to give in, not again. Not after 3 rounds of sex. Not after seven months of sneaking around to have sex.

"Jiminieee..." Jungkook whined out desperately, hands running down Jimin's slender back to rest on his shapely hips.

"Hyung please.." Jungkook continues to whine, grabbing onto the hips before him.

Jungkook pulled Jimin closer and closer, pressing him against his straining erection. Jimin could barely resist the urge to whimper as he felt the pulsing erection grind against his backside. It was getting harder and harder to resist.

Jimin bit his bottom lip, feeling the impressive girth against him and fought down a shudder. He would not give in this time, no matter how much begging was involved. No matter how shiny Jungkook's beautiful brown eyes became with frustrated tears. No matter how pink Jungkook's bottom lip became  as he nipped at it. No matter how swollen red Jungkook's cock became as it brushed occasionally against his ass. No matter how..

Jimin's train of thought was cut off as Jungkook spoke up again.

"Please hurts so bad.." Jungkook whispered  in Jimin's flushed ear as he reached the brink of insanity.

As Jungkook moved away briefly from where Jimin's body was sprawled across the wooden floor of the dance studio, Jimin could finally fully take Jungkook's appearance in.

Jungkook was in front of Jimin, kneeling with his large hands resting on his muscular thighs and looking up at Jimin with a pained expression. His cock was constantly twitching against his abdomen and leaking nearly translucent liquid making the head shiny with droplets of pearly pre-cum.

Jungkook was a sight to behold, Jimin could admit that.

"I need you so bad Jiminie. All I need is a yes. One more time, say yes one more time please.." Jungkook whined softly, moved towards Jimin's sweaty exposed thigh and giving it a slight nip. A pretty little red bruise automatically blooming on the smooth pale skin.

Jimin's breath hitched as Jungkook moved closer and closer to his fucked out hole from previous rounds of sex. His breath cool and minty against his heated and sweaty skin.

Jungkook hovered just above his skin without making contact. That was the thing about Jungkook. He had a thing where he wouldn't do anything with Jimin unless he explicitly said yes. Nodding or humming a yes didn't count. Only a clear verbal yes would do. Honestly, Jimin found it beyond arousing. On the rare occasions Jimin begged to be fucked, Jungkook wouldn't give in until he had a yes. No amount of "fuck me" ever worked.

But Jimin was not going to say yes this time. Even as he felt Jungkook's hands hover down his sides and brushed his lips against Jimin's cum leaking hole.

Jimin was not going to. Not this time. He has been weak for way too long, it was time to gain control. It was time to say no, not yes. No, not yes. No, not yes. Jimin wasn't going to stop repeating it to himself until it got through his thick skull.

Jimin was not giving in.. Not even when Jungkook leaned forward, cool breath at his heated ear and whispering a desperate, "Please baby.."

God..Jungkook sounded so needy, so desperate. Jimin could feel his resistance crumbling like when you crushed a cookie in your hand. If this went on, Jimin feared he would give in. Say yes.

Jimin couldn't... he had to say no..had to say n-

"Yes." Jimin sighed out, his mouth moving before his brain could process any of it.

He couldn't believe it. How could he have given in so easily yet again?

Jimin felt more than saw Jungkook smile against the soft skin of his inner thigh. Jimin moaned as Jungkook finally touched his gaping hole with his soft lips.

"This is the last time." Jimin whispered out into the otherwise silent dance studio.

Both of them knew that was a lie. Jimin could never say no to Jungkook.


I hope you enjoyed this. Leave a like or a comment if you did. Thank you so much for reading.

P.S. This has not been proofread, so excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes. They are all my own.

P.S.S. Remember if you have a request for me, please go read the chapter Introduction. It will tell you everything you need to know.

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