Don't Leave Me

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*I saw this Vmin fanart on Pinterest and I decided to write a Jikook oneshot inspired by it. Get your tissues ready, just in case*

Summary: Jungkook and Jimin were out late at night, coming home from a romantic date. It was their 5 year anniversary as boyfriends. Such a beautiful night is destroyed by a few men wanting money. Money they don't have.

Tags: Non-Famous AU. Major Character Death. Angst. Bittersweet. Semi-descriptive Violence. Tears. Blood. Robbery Attempt. Self-Sacrifice. Gun Violence. Sad Jeon Jungkook. Established Relationship. Drabble.


Ragged sobs was all that could be heard in the silent night. Each sob was released painfully, full of agony and anguish, into the cool air.

Jungkook felt helpless. He laid on his side gazing into Jimin's dull, lifeless eyes. The light inside of them gone, extinguished completely. They gazed into Jungkook's own unseeing.

A small trickle of crimson blood escaped the side of Jimin's mouth. Once flushed red from blood flow were now ghostly white.

Another sob escaped Jungkook's mouth. It left his throat aching as it ripped through his vocal cords.

Jimin.Jimin.Jimin. Jungkook chanted mindlessly.

Why did this happen to them? Why God why?

Why did they have to take away his Jimin? Why didn't they just kill him too?

Jungkook didn't want to live with only the memories of Jimin. He wanted Jimin. His Jimin who had a smile brighter than the sun. His Jimin that was kind to everyone even to the people who were rude. His Jimin that wanted to open a dance studio to help children follow their dreams. His Jimin that liked to plan their future, how many kids they would have and how beautiful their home would be.

Jungkook looked away from Jimin's deathly pale face to gaze up into the night sky. The stars glittered so beautifully.

How could the stars shine so brightly and beautifully when they just lost their most beautiful star?

Jungkook cried silently as the darkness threatened to consume him. He let it.


"Please! We don't have any money." Jimin cried out to the masked men circling them.

"Don't fucking lie to us! We just saw you guys leave that expensive restaurant? How fucking stupid do you think we are?" The tallest one of them all growled roughly.

One of the other men stepped forward to grab Jimin. Jungkook quickly stepped forward to hide Jimin behind him.

Jungkook glared intensely at them. He made sure to hide his fear well. Although, Jungkook was strong, they were vastly outnumbered. 2 to 6 weren't good odds.

"Move away before we beat the living shit out of you." Another masked man growled.

"No." was all that Jungkook said.

The man lunged at him like a rabid animal. Jungkook moved quickly to avoid the hit and punched him straight in the face.

A shock of pain travelled through his arm as his fist collided with the man's sharp jaw. Jungkook ignored the pain and continued to fight him.

"Jungkook!" Jimin screamed at him.

Jungkook momentarily distracted looked behind him to where Jimin was. Only he wasn't alone. The leader of the gang of men had Jimin in a head lock with a gun pointed at his head.

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