Laying In Your Embrace

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*Jikook cuddling naked makes me so soft. I really enjoyed writing this uwu*

Summary: Jungkook always sneaks into Jimin's room to cuddle. He says it's because his bed is super soft and it smells like cherry blossoms. It's not a lie, but not the complete truth.

Tags: Fluff. A Tad Of Angst. Basically Non-Existent. Cuddling. Naked Cuddling. Kisses. Cuteness. Pining. Cute Park Jimin. Cute Jeon Jungkook. Mochi and Kookie are in love but are too afraid to admit it. Hopeful Ending. Canon Universe. Canon Compliant.


It is dark outside when Jungkook sneaks into Jimin's room. The moon barely peeking through Jimin's dark red silk curtains.

Jimin never hears Jungkook when he comes even though Jimin is a notoriously known light sleeper. Jimin wholeheartedly believes that Jungkook is just that good at keeping his movements as quiet as a panther. Although, he always wakes up when he feels the soft bed dip from the extra weight of another person climbing into it. Jimin usually doesn't even open his eyes as he shifts under the silver silk sheets, his eyelids remaining closed and heavy with sleep.

Why open his eyes when he already knows who it is?

The bed is nothing too big. Enough for Jimin to stretch out comfortably. But with how muscular and tall Jungkook is getting by the day, it becomes a bit of a tight fit. Jimin doesn't mind, he loves to cuddle up close to Jungkook, for Jungkook to hold him as if he was a precious delicate doll. Jungkook never disappoints as he wraps his defined arms around Jimin's curvy waist.

This time is not any different. Jimin can feel as Jungkook moves under the fresh cherry blossom scented sheets. Jimin can't help, but releasing a small sigh of relief as Jungkook's slightly cool body touches his own warm one. Jimin's body always runs hot, just as Jungkook's body is cool to the touch.

It makes Jimin's heart race. It makes a seed of hope flourish in his chest. Jimin and Jungkook fit so well together. As opposites, they complete each other as no other person can ever hope for.

Jimin's slender arms move on their own as he wraps them around Jungkook's naked torso, pulling him closer to him until their chests are pressed together. Jimin's head is tucked securely under Jungkook's chin, his soft blonde hair tickling him. Jungkook's has one arm thrown over Jimin's waist, soft fingertips tracing absently across Jimin's soft tummy.

Jimin's abs are almost completely gone right now. With BTS on a short break, Jimin doesn't see the need to have a super strict diet and to wake up early every morning to exercise. He still goes on a run every once and awhile. He still goes to the dance studio with Hoseok to practice a couple of moves. He also maintains a slightly above average calorie intake.

Jimin is happy without the constant stress of getting too fat. Of the fans noticing and saying negative things about him. He feels happy and safe, especially in Jungkook's gentle embrace.

Jimin's thoughts shift towards the memory of Jungkook asking to sleep with him for the first time. Jungkook had come to him late at night when they first debuted and has come ever since. Jungkook usually came when he needed reassurance and someone to talk to. Jungkook has always been under pressure to be the golden maknae, but with Jimin he doesn't. He could be himself and Jimin loved him nonetheless.

Even now, Jungkook still comes to Jimin. Jungkook insists it's not because he needs someone to help him carry the weight on his shoulders. Jungkook always tells him it's because Jimin's bed is softer and it smells like sweet cherry blossoms. That Jimin, the whole room is stained with the sweet smell.

Jimin suspects that might not be the entire truth, but he doesn't pry. He knows better than to ask Jungkook. If he does, Jungkook would stop coming to his room and would close himself off completely.

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