Between Your Legs

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*sadly, I couldn't find any gifs of Jikook accidentally falling on top of each other. Proceeds to cry*

Summary: Jimin and Taehyung happen to be messing around when Jungkook walks by them on stage. Jimin proceeds to fall on Jungkook and ends up between his legs.

Tags: Smut. Semi-Public Sex. Frottage. Dry Humping. No Penetration. Innocent Jungkook. Bottom Jungkook. Top Jimin. This is only insinuated. Drabble. Other members are only briefly mentioned.


Jimin and Taehyung were giggling on stage as they danced in circles. The other members were engrossed in their own business. Namjoon and Yoongi talking about songs they were working on for the group. Seokjin getting pointers from Hoseok on how to do a certain part in Fake Love. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

Jimin didn't see it coming. As Taehyung twirled him in faster circles and everything became a blur, Jungkook walked out from backstage.

Suddenly, Jimin collided against something. He heard a sharp gasp as the person tried to find balance. They both went stumbling down to the hard floor.

The feeling of something soft and warm under him brought him back to reality. Jimin found himself gazing into deep brown eyes focused on his own. Jungkook's eyes were wide, slightly dazed, questioning though he did not speak.

It took a little longer for the older man to realize what was "wrong" exactly.

All it took was a shift of his hips and the sound of Jungkook gasping in a way that sounded suspiciously like a whimper. The toned legs on either side of Jimin's hips shifting, one moving up as if Jungkook wanted to pull Jimin in closer.

"Jimin hyung..." Jungkook whispered out.

Jimin could feel the many eyes previously on them gone. He could hear the other members and staff members shuffling off the stage to give them privacy.  If he concentrated, he could hear Yoongi gagging at them and Jin scolding him.

Jimin couldn't concentrate though. All he could see was the cute blush staining Jungkook's cheeks. Jimin could see the little scar on Jungkook's left cheek in sudden detail.

" can get off of me now..." Jungkook proceeded to say once Jimin continued to keep silent.

Jimin didn't want to move though. He had no intentions of doing so. In a small effort to silence Jungkook, Jimin placed a small finger on top of Jungkook's butter soft pink lips. Although, Jimin was sure this wouldn't stop Jungkook for talking. He was enjoying the softness under his finger and wish to continue to feel it. And Jimin was seeing things he had not noticed before.

Like how doe like, Jungkook's eyes were. The faint traces of brown in the other's black hair and eyebrows. How thick his eyelashes long they were even. The ring of a softer shade of brown on the outer edges of his irises...

Has Jungkookie always been this pretty? Jimin had no idea.

"St-stop staring already hyung!" Jungkook stuttered in embarrassment as the blush staining his cheeks spread to his ears.

Jungkook started to squirm under him in a vain attempt to get free and escape Jimin's scrutiny.

Jimin bit his plump bottom lip at the sensation of Jungkook squirming underneath him. Fire started licking at his veins as Jungkook rubbed against his bottom half persistently.

Jungkook suddenly took the finger Jimin still had on his lips into his soft pink mouth. Jungkook had his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to annoy Jimin by sucking his finger. Jungkook didn't seem to have a clue that this seemingly innocent act caused the fire in Jimin's abdomen to roar stronger.

Sucking in a breath Jimin's soft brown eyes went glassy, mouth hanging open as a small rough groan left his lips. Jimin's other hand held him up as he tried to keep from pressing his body against Jungkook's own, to keep from grinding until they both came in their pants like teenagers.

Jimin tried to control himself so bad. Jungkook looked so innocent and helpless. It seemed like Jungkook really didn't know the effect he was having on Jimin right now.

Or did he?

Jungkook dragged his soft pink tongue along the underside of Jimin's small finger in answer, his eyes watching Jimin intensely. Curious. Innocent.

Jimin was slowly, but surely losing control of his body, rutting roughly against the softer body underneath him and letting out equally rough sounds. Jungkook was whimpering softly as pleasure he has never felt before coursed through his sensitive body.

"Ah..ah..uh..Jiminie hyung.." Jungkook moaned out in such a vulnerable manner.

Jungkook's long legs wrapped themselves tight around his waist as he thrusted down again and again. Jimin couldn't stop even if he wanted to at this point. Jimin could even feel the younger man's dull nails digging into his back in pure ecstasy.

"Hyung please don't stop!" Jungkook sobbed out as the pleasure threatened to consume him.

Jungkook has never felt like this before. He didn't know what to do, all he knew was that he didn't want Jimin to stop.

"It's okay baby. Just let go." Jimin grunted in Jungkook's ear as his thrusts got harsher and faster.

Jimin was practically pounding Jungkook into the stage now. The empty stage was filled with near silent groans, loud whimpers, and the scratch of denim against denim.

It didn't take for either of them to reach orgasm. Jungkook's back suddenly arched from the ground as he came hard inside his jeans and sobbed out a loud, "Hyung!"

Jimin distantly thought that probably everyone backstage heard them. Then, Jimin came inside his jeans as he groaned softly into the soft, warm crook of Jungkook's neck.

All that could be heard now was soft pants from both men as they tried to catch their breath. It was like that, rutting on the floor against Jungkook that Jimin brought Jungkook to his very first orgasm.


I hope you enjoyed this. Leave a like or a comment if you did. Thank you so much for reading.

P.S. This has not been proofread, so excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes. They are all my own.

P.S.S. Remember if you have a request for me, please go read the chapter Introduction. It will tell you everything you need to know.

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