For The Man He Loved

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*inspired very vaguely by The Ones Who Walked Away From Omelas. Prepare yourself for some angst*

Summary: Jungkook is offered a choice to sacrifice himself for the happiness of his lover, five friends and all the remaining inhabitants on Earth. Or continue to suffer in a dystopian world alongside Jimin and his friends. And Jungkook, he would do anything to lessen Jimin's suffering even by a fraction.

Tags: Angst. A Sprinkle of Fluff and Smut. Only during flashbacks. Tears. Implied Torture. Self-Sacrifice. Dystopian Universe. Utopian Universe. Top Jungkook. Bottom Jimin. Sad Jungkook. Semi-Oblivious Jimin. Established Relationship. Other members are briefly mentioned.


The world was covered in ice and darkness. The oceans were frozen solid making it impossible for any sea life to survive. The sky in shades of black as not even a sliver of sunlight made it through the thick atmosphere of clouds. The land was a pitch black and free of any plant life. The rain was black covering the land in its darkness. The air was thick and lacking oxygen, making it difficult to breathe.

The world was a wasteland not capable of supporting any life. The last remaining humans were struggling to survive. Pale from no sun, skinny from no food, dirty from the black rain, dehydrated from no water. They were dying. It was that simple.

Jungkook didn't see the need of denying the truth to himself. He knew was going to die. It didn't make him sad, he has known for a long time. It was a miracle he survived for so long. Jungkook has accepted the fact that death was inevitable. Long before the world became like this.

But as he looked at the man sleeping beside him. The beautiful man that was his light in this endless darkness. It hurt him to see him suffering to continue to live. Jimin didn't deserve this. Or his five friends that at this point were like brothers to him.

Jungkook wished so badly he could lessen their pain and suffering. His heart ached at how hard he prayed they could be happy. Jungkook would do anything to make them happy. Jimin most of all.

"Anything?" A low ominous voice interrupted Jungkook's wistful thoughts.

Jungkook jumped slightly at the voice. It didn't seem to come from any real direction. It surrounded him as if the voice was everywhere.

"Who said that?" Jungkook whispered, fearful that he finally became crazy from hunger and thirst.

It has been a few days since his last real meal. Or since he has had clean and crystal clear water. It was surprising that he still hasn't completely lost it.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I'll ask again, would you do anything? Truly anything to alleviate your friends' pain? To alleviate the pain of your lover?" The voice spoke again.

Jungkook looked down at the mention of his lover. Jimin was still sound asleep even when the voice boomed louder. Could it be that only Jungkook heard this ominous voice?

"I...of course. I would do anything. Anything to see them smile again. To see Jimin smile again." Jungkook said his emotions making him hoarse.

"I see...what if you could do that? Make them smile again? Would you do it?" The voice crept into Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in thought. The answer came to him loud and clear.

"Yes. More than anything" Jungkook said with fierce determination.

"I could grant you this wish. Make the sun shine once more. Make the oceans flow once again. Make the land rich and full of life. Make the sky blue and clear. Make the air fresh and breathable. Make your friends; Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung smile once again. Make Jimin smile again. All for a price, of course." The voice said softly.

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