Chapter 9: Coulson?

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"That's what family's for, right?" I mentioned.

Mack smiled at my words. "Thanks Storm, you're the best." 


After Mack and I talked some more, explaining the situation and everything he knew, we were introduced to the new members on the team. Then, we made our way to the lab where Benson, May, Kina, Elena, and Alotren were. Currently Benson was analyzing a man that was mostly inside a concrete wall. He had one arm out extended out towards us. His shoulders and head were free from the wall, while the rest of his body was within the wall.

"Is it too late to turn down this job?" Benson inquired.

"What do you make of it?" Mack asked.

"Well, I'd have a theory if he was encased in concrete. But he's partially made of concrete. And that's not all. He has components." Benson explained.

"Cybernetic?" Kina questioned.

Benson then placed a hand on the man's neck, inspecting him much closer. "Uh, looks like. This on his neck. Tell me that's not a lens of some sort."

At that moment, the man let out a gasp, grabbing Benson by his shirt. "I got you...I got you."

We all backed up as Mack grabbed Benson, freeing him from the man's grasp. Once Mack grabbed the man's wrist, he turned over to look at him. "You can't stop it. It's coming."

"Stop what?" Mack asked.

"What's coming?" Alotren inquired.

"Pachakutiq. Pachakutiq! Wave goodbye." The man warned.

He then let out a gasp before he perished. We all looked at each other, exchanging worried looks. I don't know what Pachakutiq is, but it definitely doesn't sound fun.

"Hell, Benson. You didn't detect a heartbeat?" May retorted.

"Heartbeat?!" Benson repeated, rather baffled. "He doesn't have a heart!"

A gadget from the man's jacket then fell, startling us all.

"Tell me that's not a time bomb." Elena said.

Benson was the closest to the gadget, and he picked it up. "Bomb, no. Time, yes. And a place."

Benson then handed it over to Mack, whose eyes widened. "This could be the next location."

With that, Mack, May, Kina, Alotren, and I rushed over to the control room where Teckla, Harrua, Rex, Gida, Tarom, Zira, Ahsoka, and Anara were. As soon as we were in the room, Mack quickly spoke. "We may have our next location. Fox, put in these coordinates. 40-12-14.7 north. 85-24-40.3 west."

Once Fox put the coordinates in, he let out a laugh. "Ha, look at that, right on a Ley Line..."

Fox trailed off as he turned to look at Mack. "Just saying..."

"No, you were right. Keller, take Fox with you. May, Yo-Yo, take point. Storm, Ahsoka, Gida, Tarom, go with them." Mack ordered.

Keller nodded. "Yes, sir."

"We'll get on the road. You get on the comms and let us know where we're going." Elena commented.

"Master, let me come with you." Anara urged.

"Very well, you'll come with me. Alotren, Rex, and Zira, you'll stay with Mack." I ordered. I then glanced over at Mack. "How many people are with Jemma and Daisy?"

"Just Davis and Piper." Mack mentioned.

"Harrua and I will help them." Teckla offered.

"I'll come along too." Kina chimed in.

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