Chapter 27: Area 51

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Alotren, Phil, Elena, Mack, Daisy, and I changed into fifties clothing, consisting of dresses and suits. Once we were dressed and went over the plan, we walked towards a diner called Flying Rocket Diner. Outside there were antique groundcars that looked more modern than the ones we saw in 1931. This place reminded me much of Dex's Diner, except here the waitresses were all humans. Alotren and I sat at a table near Phil, Daisy, Mack, and Elena.

"How are you feeling?" Alotren asked. 

"Al, I'm fine." I replied. "You don't have to worry about me."

"Of course I have to. You're my sister." He mentioned. "You don't have to put on a brave and strong facade."  

My face fell. "...I'm just overwhelmed with everything that's been going on. It seems like we never get a chance to catch our breath. I'm trying to wrap my mind over what I saw after Izel stabbed me."

"And what did you see?" Alotren asked, looking intrigued. 

"I was back on the golden beaches of Corellia. I saw Loki there with me. He told me to wake up, to keep fighting. Loki tried to assure me that it wasn't my fault that he died nor that our children or all the people throughout the galaxies vanished." I explained. "He then told me that I'll help save Earth and many galaxies in the universe, including our own. Loki then said Earth needs me as do Anakin and Skye, the twins..."

"And they do, but don't be so hard on yourself all the time, Storm." Alotren urged. "There's only so much you can do."

The waitress then came by, dropping off our cups of caf along with a plate of golden fries without saying a single word. Once she left, Alotren spoke again. "But I'm glad you're fine, Storm. And don't worry, we're going to get Jinx, Maya, your children, and everyone else back." 

At that moment, the target came in, Gerald Sharpe, Department of Defense. He walked over towards a table. The plan was simple. All we had to do was get Sharpe back to the Zephyr and Phil would pretend to be him, getting inside Area 51 with ease. As soon as Sharpe sat down, he spoke up. "Who do I have to sue to get a cup of coffee around here?"

The waitress approached him with a pot of caf. She gave him a scowl as she poured the caf into his cup. The waitress then walked off without uttering a word to him.

"Hey, you got any cream or sugar in this dust bowl?" Sharpe questioned.

At once, Daisy walked over towards him with a small metallic cup. "Oh creamer? You can borrow mine."

"The service in this place, right?" Sharpe inquired as he grabbed the cup. 

Daisy chuckled. "I know."

"Guess I'm not the only one around here who needs a little pick-me-up." Sharpe mentioned as he placed the "creamer" into his cup.

Once Sharpe was outside, he collapsed onto the ground, and we quickly grabbed him before taking him onto the Zephyr. Elena and Mack tied him to a chair inside a black tarp that lied in the cargo hold of the Zephyr. We worked on the ID of Jemma, having her pretend to be Peggy Carter, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and lover of Steve. After Phil and Jemma left to enter Area 51, the rest of us remained in the lab. It wasn't long until Elena and Mack had finished Sharpe's arrangements, they made their way to the lab. As soon as they approached us, Deke spoke up. "I think this guy is just some pencil pusher that deals with budgets and risk management."

"All right, so when he wakes up, he should crack widen open." Mack mentioned. 

"Are you sure?" Kina questioned. 

"Hey, I'm pretty sure it isn't that bad." Neda commented.  

Teckla nodded. "Yeah, besides I'm sure they've interrogated stronger minds."

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