Chapter 10: Who Is He?

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"Fox told me he wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D. because we protect people from their worst nightmares. Or at least we try. We can't bring him back, but we can save other lives, fix something else, and that's what we're gonna do." Mack urged, giving us encouragement.

We were all back in the control room in the Lighthouse. Some of the agents, who knew Fox well were devastated. Fox's file was thrown up on one of the screens with his file marked as deceased. I was still trying to wrap my head over what I just saw. That was Phil...Phil who shot Fox and left with that woman.

"Jaross, Gida, Runko. Keep scanning for any more of these disturbances. Keller, comb through security footage from the museum again and see if we missed anything. Yo-Yo, Alotren, help him out." Mack ordered.

Elena nodded. "On it."

Mack then looked over at Ahsoka, May, and me. "I want you supervising the search for that truck. Anyone gets a lead, sound the alarm. Go."

Once everyone cleared the room, it was just May, Ahsoka, Mack, and me. May, Ahsoka and me all saw Phil climb out of that truck that we disappeared out. I knew I didn't imagine Phil, not when May and Ahsoka also saw him.

"So, no mention of the man driving that truck?" May asked.

"One thing at a time." Mack advised.

"Do you not believe us?" Ahsoka asked.

Mack sighed. "Look, if you say you three saw Coulson, you saw him. But this doesn't go wide until we know what the hell he is."

With that, Mack turned away from us. I let out a sigh as I looked over at Ahsoka and May. "He does not believe us."

At that moment, Gida and Tarom rushed over towards us with a datapad in their hands. Gida was the first to speak up. "We may have found something."

As soon as Mack grabbed the datapad, he rushed out of the control room. All five of us followed Mack into the lab, where Benson was. He was still inspecting the man in the concrete wall, but this time he was looking inside the man, trying to figure out what he was.

"Got a possible lead from a convenience-store robbery in Ohio. I'm having some evidence sent over for you to test." Mack informed him.

"Great. Add it to the pile. I love that I traded tenure for a chance to never leave this room." Benson retorted.

"Where are you on this doppelganger?" May asked.

"Oh, I have several viable hypotheses. That's what scientists say when they don't know squat. Odds are it's related to one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s previous mistakes, which I'm working my way through a very long list." Benson explained. "Fear manifestations, nano-masks, Inhumans though I'm thinking I should revisit the file on those Life Model Decoys, which really shouldn't be a thing, by the way."

Mack scoffed. "No argument here."

"Could this guy be an LMD then?" I inquired.

"Well, if there's already been one of Phil Coulson, it seems like a possible explanation. But I would need to talk to the idiot who designed them." Benson urged.

We all exchanged a look, knowing that Jemma, Daisy, and the others were currently trying to rescue Leo, the one Benson called an idiot.

"That might be hard." May mentioned.


After informing Benson that Leo was deep in space, Mack, May, and I went back to the control room. We kept our eyes on the main screen where a map of all possible leads were.

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