Chapter 6

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Credits to Weasleyqueen13
When they got of the boats, and into Hogwarts they stood on the stairs to wait for professor mcgonagall, to guide them into the great hall to be sorted.

A few minutes passed and they began to walk into the great hall, everyone was watching them as they walked in. When the first few people were sorted Ave and Abi we're getting more and more scared. It finally got to the point when Abigail was sorted. They both talked about what house they might go into, and they wouldn't care if one was put into Slytherin, they would still be friends.

To Abigail day down shaking a lot, noticing that everyone was watching. The hat was put onto her head and it spoke "hm difficult very difficult, not a bad mind, very ambitious a strong leader it better be Slytherin " Slytherin stood up clappIng. Ave stood for a few more turns and then was cooled to the stool "Avery Malfoy". She was shaking slightly. As she sat there she stared at Fred noticing that he looked very eager. The hat was slowly placed on her head "RAVENCLAW!" The table second from the left clapped this time,  several Ravenclaws stood up to say congratulations as she joined them. Fred could see that Avery was happy to be in Ravenclaw. A few more students were sorted into Ravenclaw. Avery made two new friends they said there names were "my name is Caitlin" and "my name is Sophie" they were identical twins. When everyone was sorted fumble fore made a quick announcement "let the feast begin" suddenly food came out from nowhere, and everyone was gasped for life. Avery went other to her head of house who was professor Flitwick. She said "I'm really happy to be put into Ravenclaw, it's an honour"

After the feast finished the prefects took the first years to there common room where they would go to bed.

They climbed in tight, dizzying circles; Avery had felt like she was dying. At last they reached a door. There was no handle and no keyhole: nothing but a plain expanse of aged wood, and a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.
The prefect reached out a pale hand, which looked eerie floating in mid-air, unconnected to arm or body. He knocked once, and in the silence it sounded to Avery like a cannon blast. At once the beak of the eagle opened, but instead of a bird's call, a soft, musical voice said, 'Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?'

Hmm ... what do you think, Avery?' said The perfect, looking thoughtful.
'What? Isn't there just a password?'
'Oh, no, you've got to answer a question,' said the prefect. 'What if you get it wrong?'
'Well, you have to wait for somebody who gets it right,' said the prefect. 'That way you learn, you see?'
'Yeah ... trouble is, what if nobody else was around!
'No, I see what you mean,' said the prefect seriously. 'Well then, I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning.'
'Well reasoned,' said the voice, and the door swung open.
The deserted Ravenclaw common room was a wide, circular room, something amazing you had ever seen at Hogwarts. Graceful arched windows punctuated the walls, which were hung with blue and bronze silks: by day, the Ravenclaws would have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. The ceiling was domed and painted with stars, which were echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. There were tables, chairs and bookcases, and in a niche opposite the door stood a tall statue of white marble.
Avery recognised Rowena Ravenclaw in the corner of the room. The statue stood beside a door which led, she a guessed, to dormitories above. She strode right up to the marble woman and she seemed to look back at her with a quizzical half smile on her face, beautiful yet slightly intimidating. A delicate-looking circlet had been reproduced in marble on top of her head. It was beautiful. Avery stepped back to where everyone was and began to listen to the prefect once again. He said the rooms are right through there pointing at the statue where she believed it would be.

They went up to there dormitories, choosing which bed they'd be in, Avery was in the left hand corner bed. She said she liked this one most because it was away from other people, so she could read in peace and quiet.

She got into her pyjamas and laid on her bed thinking now she's safer than before. She wanted to get a sleeping draft which makes your nightmares go away so she asked her friend Caitlin to come and she said okay. As they walked down the stairs to professor Snape, they saw Fred and George, they all walked up to each other until...

They heard Snape, Avery said "Fred meet me at the library tomorrow morning" Fred and George ran away from there before they were caught by professor Snape, when professor Snape got to Avery and Caitlin he said "why are you out of your beds this late" "we coming to look for you sir." "Oh really, why?" "I need sleeping draught, I get really bad nightmares" "Dumbledore did say that earlier, follow me well get you some, Caitlin Moore's you can return to your dormitory" Caitlin hugged Avery before she left. Professor Snape walked her to the potions closet.

"Here you go, use one teaspoon once a night, it might not work tonight because first time you need to get use to it. Don't loose it, this will last you about 2 months, if you loose it I'll give you a detention for 2 months.

She walked away, back to the dormitory, worried it might not work. She got to the dormitory, noticing that Caitlin was sitting out side because she got the riddle wrong. "Is it that hard" "it is when you read other books instead of riddles." "Yes very true!" It look avery some time to think about it but she solved it eventually. When they got into bed and fell asleep Avery had the last nightmare she'd ever had.

*knock, knock, knock* Avery noticed she was in the orphanage, in her room. She took 3 steps the door. Her body was being controlled. She couldn't do anything. Her arm reached towards the door whilst she was crying. She saw Tom, she was trying to get out of it. He strapped her legs onto the bed and her arms. She couldn't control it. The Duvet was pulled over her, still strapped to the wooden bed. He said "you decide if I should rape you or if I should kill you, when I say kill I mean tortured until all your body parts are separated from you body and when I say rape I mean rape for let's say however long you can take it. What do you say, rape or tortured" "this isn't real, it's a nightmare, your in Azkaban probably being tortured yourself because your a killer. I say you go fuck your self" "that's it I'll just do both, you forgot that you can still feel this, and like Snape said its your last nightmare for 2 months, not forever"

He takes the Duvet of of her, slowly he takes his top of and putting it on the floor, then takes her top of, takes of the first and then continues. She wants to attack him. He takes his trousers off she couldn't control her mind. He takes her pyjama trousers off feeling insecure. He takes his pants if she wants to close her eyes, she begins to scream and cry. He takes her pants of she says "I hate you, your a psycho" he grabs her hair and says "what did you just say" "I said your a psycho. Do you want me to spell it out for you" "fuck off, I'm only doing this because I like too" she knew inside that he was lying he had to have a better reason. He slowly puts his hand on her shoulder and pushes her further into the bed she then says "you are a lot of things and psycho is probably the main one"   He outs his body on hers. She says "how is it possible that I can feel it" "it could be happening" he goes faster and faster until she feels dizzy. He slows down and then homes off. "Well done, your pregnant now" he puts his clothes back on and then says "you can stay like that I've got to write something." She begins panting a lot more, and then says "why?"  "Why what?" "Why do you do this?" "Oh I do it because I like it." He walks over to the table where there was loads of knives and staplers. He picks up a knife, the same knife that he used to carve the word muggle into her wrist. She said that it still hurts.

He walks over to her with a small pointy knife that hurts like dying. He puts the knife against her stomach, and pushed in the first letter which was M she then said "fuck, that hurts" he says "only seven letters left to go." She then said "your not writing mud blood, are you?" "Oh yes I am, and no one can stop that." She then started to say "kill me" over and over until he says "but I've got to keep you alive, you haven't read the right book yet, to find out who I really am" she felt his breathing g go against her cheek. "Wait what?"

She slowly woke up, realising that she felt better, that she woke up. She went over to Caitlin and said "did I move around last night." "No you slept reasonably good, but you did sleep talk" "Oh okay" "did you have a nightmare" "um, yes I did"


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