Chapter 45

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It was now the next day and Avery felt better, but still felt dead inside. She woke up to Fred and George serving breakfast for her, Fred took a piece of toast and said "what, am I not allowed to eat" Avery sighed and said "your being very chill about me today, Fred"

Fred smiles and says "I don't want to have to worry so I try and stay calm." Avery nods and reaches her arms out for a hug. Fred and George lean into he give her a awkward hug. After the nurses check over Avery they told her to have a drink which tasted like poly juice potion.

"Your drinking a potion called. Calming draught" Avery had a confused expression. "It's a potion that calms you from trauma or shock" avery took some wanting to spit it out but she didn't want to be stuck in them hospital for any longer.

"It tastes disgusting" avery said sighing. "I did say it tasted like poly juice potion, what did you expect, pumpkin juice" avery sighed and said "what should I do now" in a mood. "You should sleep, it's time for your bed time" avery laid down and closed her eyes.


Avery woke up the next day hearing Harry, Hermione and Ron talking about the chamber of secrets, they walked in the room smiling at Avery. "How did you do?" Harry walked up to the and said "we did well, we destroyed the Basilisk. the nurses and Mrs sprout helped everyone that was petrified."

"That sounds cool I hope Ginny is alright too I heard what happened, Voldemort made her write all those things" Harry sighs and nods his head, he then stands beside Ron and Hermione who were about to leave the room and says "well let you get dressed and have breakfast." Harry said politely.

Madam Pomfrey walked over and said "your allowed to come out of the infirmary now, but you have to be with someone all the time, and your still prescribed to those tablets you got given, so don't loose them, it's only going to be for about a week and then you'll be of them, I'll come and check on you when your better"

Avery left the infirmary with her crutches and her tablets, she saw Fred and George walk in with Abigail who said, "Avery I hope your feeling okay now, I went through what you went through, Tom gave me a letter saying that we were in the same underground basement it was the fact that there were walls which made us not be able to hear anything."

"Thanks Abigail, I hoe your feeling better too, Madam Pomfrey told me to stay with someone at all times So is it okay if I stay with you guys"

"Yes, of course your free to follow us when ever you like, were your friends"

"Thanks guys, I need breakfast can we go to the great hall" Abigail smiles and nods. They begin to walk to the great hall, when they got there they had glares coming from malfoy and his friends. "What happened to Draco" Avery asked. "He got suspended until he gave his statement" Avery sighed and said "do you think he told the truth" Abigail shook her head with anger on her face.

When they all finished dinner they all went to Dumbledore's office because Abigail needed to talk to him. When they got there they saw Harry with Ron handing the sword back. Avery sighed and saw Lucius walk into the room where he stared at Avery. "Father" avery said. Lucius hugged Avery saying "I didn't want to leave you, but Voldemort told me to" Avery then said "that's pathetic, just don't listen to Voldemort, he wants to kill you" fumble gasped and said "Avery, no, no you shouldn't have said that" Avery began to get worried "why? What will happen" Dumbledore shook his head and went over to Avery saying "Voldemort told you not to at that or he will kill everyone in your family accept you" Fred then said "but... Avery would be traumatised so much... you don't believe he would do that" Dumbledore walked back over to his chair and tried to think. "Wait... I got it" Avery walked over to his desk and Said "what what is it, tell me" Dumbledore looked straight into Avery's eyes and said "he might be threatening you, he said to me once that he would make me one of his horcruxes and he ended up not. He could have killed you when you were a kid"

"True, he is better then that"


"So he has a high chance that he has something more that to kill you"


Avery faced Harry before Avery said "I hope your okay, I wanted to ask something"

"Yeah sure what were you going to ask"

"Voldemort, seems to need particular people and he only really kills people he hates or when he has no use for him. I don't know if your like that too"

"I agree, he seemed to have a thing with people he hadn't killed, what did Abigail see that night when she saw Voldemort kill my mother and father."

"I don't know"

They both left, with out saying anything else. When they saw Lucius walk of Avery said "father, come here" Lucius walked over because avery knew that Harry had to give Dobby the sick. After Dobby was told to follow his master Dobby said "Dobby is a feee elf, master has given Dobby some socks" Lucius turned around and Avery smirked he had anger on his face.

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