Chapter 8

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Credits to Weasleyqueen13
Doctors, nurses. Patients" Said the doctor "patients are here and so are the doctors and nurses, we need to start the operation before something more severe happens" said another doctor.

3 hours passed and they are finished, "we did it, we saved a life" all the doctors and nurses finished the operation and now they needed to wait for Avery to wake up.

Bellatrix woke up an hour after they finished the operation and Avery still hadn't woken up.

"Avery, avery! Wake up" avery woke up hearing everything, noticing that nobody else was there. She came out of bed to check where everyone else was. A few seconds after she got out of bed she saw Tom. She ran back into the hospital bed, noticing it must have been a dream. "It's a dream" "I'm still here though, won't I"

She woke up 3 hours after surgery noticing that Tom, and Bellatrix were in the same room. Tom and Bellatrix were right in her face laughing. And Tom is holding her onto the bed. "Avery you can't say that this is a dream" "where are all the doctors" "not here for certain" he takes a cover away and she notices that she wasn't there. "Where am I, did I actually have a operation" the room went dark and Bellatrix and Tom disappeared.

She closes her eyes and counts sheep, when she got to 100 she opened her eyes and notices she's in ST MUNGOS, she then rings the bell and a doctor comes, he says "yes, you needed me" "do I have a symptoms with the transplant" "yes you can hallucinate a lot" the doctors face changes to Voldemort's. "Someone help me, I'm gonna die here!"

Dumbledore took her from ST MUNGOS to Hogwarts by teleportation. Voldemort disappeared before Dumbledore got there. The next day she's in Snape's office.

"Have this draft, it will help with hallucinations"

"And it's safe, Voldemort didn't put anything bad in there"

"Promise, it's fresh today"


Avery walked towards the hospital wing, because she was instructed by Dumbledore. Madam Pomfrey said "come other here dear" I walked other to one of the beds next to Abigail. Where Fred and George came in saying "I'm sorry" "why are you sorry" "because of your kidney" "don't be sorry it's not your fault"

Fred kneeled down on one leg and said "may I go out with you" he smiled, and so did Avery "yes" she smiled and he stood up to hug her. They were both crying.

"I'll protect you, I will I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Did you hear, what Bellatrix said though"

"Yes I did, I won't let you go out with him, he wants you killed, not because of love"

"I was scared you didn't know."

They had there first kiss and walked together to the great hall, where they made an announcement to all of Gryffindors and Ravenclaw.

"What happened to Caitlin and her sister

"Well Caitlin went away with Voldemort and her sister Sophie was shocked to know that her twin would do that so she killed her self. I wanted to help her sister but she just jumped at that point."

"Wow that's tenses, I'm sorry for both of us to know that"

"Yes I know"


When they all went to bed.
Snape enters Ravenclaws dorm saying "Avery, here's a proper, no added ingredients inside this potion, I promise." Snape leaves the room and Avery tries the hallucinations potion first saying "this tastes disgusting" and the nightmare potion being discussed by the taste.

She falls asleep and dreams...

(10 years old)
"Avery, come over here" Abigail said. Avery runs towards Abigail and says "tag your IT." Abigail then raises her hand and the game stops, they all run in the middle of the field and then Abigail says "any game suggestions" sounding like a adult. The rest of the kids look at Voldemort and run away.

"Abigail riddle, come here right now." She walked over there. "What did I tell you about playing with Avery" "sorry daddy" Lucius Malfoy points his wand up at Avery and says, "Locomotor Mortis" Avery went completely still. Abigail screamed and Voldemort dragged her into the house. Falling to the ground.


She woke up yawning, the girl three beds away from Avery said "did you have a nightmare" "no, thank you, do you have the feeling that when you talk to someone you doubt if it's actually them" "yes when I was younger maybe." "I'm sorry if I'm rude to you." "No don't be, you've been through a lot."

"I forgot to say, Dumbledore needs you in his office, I think it's your time table" "I forgot that I haven't been to any lessons yet, okay thank you" "you can talk to me if your worried with anything, I think you feel like you need more people to help you not in a bad way, in a good way."

Avery walks towards Dumbledores office already dressed for school. "Sherbet lemon" the eagle slowly turns to a pair of stairs which went around in circles until she got to the top. When she got to his office, he said "come in Avery" she walked in confused. "sir how did you know it was me" "scent" "clever way of telling who it is" "so it is" "you needed to talk to me" "Oh yes, I have your time table" "thank you sir, did you need me for anything else" "no I didn't but I was wondering are you okay." "a little I've had this thing recently, that I feel like I can't trust people, as if they're not who I see them to be, does it make any sense" "of course it makes sense, I believe that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light" "Yes very true"


"The first lesson is transfiguration, I better be quick before mcgonagall shouts at me." She ran to class noticing that Fred and George were in the same class. She goes to them and says "we're in the same class, wow this is so cool" the class walked in and Avery sat next to Fred and George. Professor mcgonagall then said "we're learning the basics of transfiguration. Reparifarge is a general spell used to counter the effects of a Transformation spell that is hard to pronounce. If you know how to say it then you'll succeed. Turn to page 5 in your text books, for support.

So everyone got there pet, (avery's pet was an owl) and pointed there wands out and said "reparifarge" they had to pronounce it first before actually doing the spell.

So avery, began to try and pronounce it. Professor mcgonagall came over to her desk and heard her try and pronounce it "rep-ari-far-ge" Avery said "almost there, just have to do a little better on ari" she walked away "reparifarge" "yes you did it" mcgonagall said.

Avery got her wand out and pointed her wand at her owl. "Reparifarge" the owl changed into a stinging cup. Mcgonagall said "we've got our first year transfiguration student, well done" Fred and George leaned over to Avery and said "can you teach us" "yes, okay it's not all bad" she laughs.

When the lesson finished professor mcgonagall gave Avery a sweet, Avery was allowed to pick, she decided to have a chocolate frog, the card was professor Flitwick. She learned that he was best at levitation. Professor mcgonagall said "I believe you might do exceedingly well in his class, yes you can pronounce word well but charms might be much harder, and you have good potential." "Thank you professor"

Avery ran to her next class which was Defence The Dark Arts with quirrell . She ran to class in time before quirrell would shout at her. Everyone began walking in and quirrell noticed that Avery was almost late.

"This is your second lesson, for some people, we will be learning how to shield, I need two volunteers. "Avery and Abigail" they looked at each other "shield" Avery did the first move "expelliarmus" "well done, Avery, very g-good" Abigail did the next spell "Serpensortia" a snake came out of Abigail's wand" Avery then says "Abigail, what have you done" Abigail's face changed into toms and Avery shouts "FINITE INCANTATUM" the spell was stopped and everyone ran out accept Professor quirrell. Avery got her wand pointed it at Tom and said... nothing professor quirrell pointed his wand at Avery and said "expelliarmus" professor quirrell's face began to change into Bellatrix. "You didn't" "we did though" Avery began to run until Bellatrix shouted "Petrificus Totalus." Tom walked over to Avery and held her as she was as still as a pencil, they teleported to where Voldemort was.


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