Chapter 68

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"No idea." They went to the edge of the forest where they saw Remus calming down the Whomping Willow and entering it.

A few minutes later

Snape went inside too. Avery, Harry and Hermione sat down and waited. There was silence between the three of them. They watched the Whomping Willow moving around. "Down by the lake, someone cast that patronus. It was my Dad." Hermione leaned forward.

"Harry, your Dad's-" She was interrupted, "Dead I know. I'm just telling you what I saw." They both looked back at the tree and saw hermione Harry , Ron, Sirius, Remus and Peter exiting the Shrieking Shack. They watched as Harry and Sirius walked away."See Sirius talking to me there? He asked me to come and live with him. We could live in the country, somewhere you can see the sky. I think he would like that after all those years in Azkaban." Hermione smiled and nodded.

A howl came from Lupin as he turned into a wolf. "Let's go." Harry said, running round the edge of the forest, following Remus and Sirius as they fought. They watched as the other Harry threw a rock at Lupin who turned to face him. Avery and Hermione cupped their hands round their mouths and howled. Harry stopped them, quickly. "What are you doing?" Harry asked. Hermione looked at him and replied, "Saving your life." She howled again and Professor Lupin began running towards them. Harry sighed, "Great. Now he's coming for us." "Yeah, didn't think about that. Run!" Avery, Harry and Hermione ran for it.

They heard Professor Lupin howling and they could tell that he was close. Harry held Avery's and Hermione's hand as they hid behind a tree. They moved around it when they heard Remus' footsteps getting closer and closer to them. When they had walked all the way round the tree, a growl from behind them made Avery, Harry and Hermione turn around. Lupin stood up and growled at them. Harry held Hermione and Avery as they closed their eyes. Suddenly, Buckbeak appeared and scared the Professor away.

Avery, Harry and Hermione looked at Buckbeak. "That was so scary." Hermione whispered as she hugged Harry. A cold wind made them look up at the sky. Dementors flew over them, heading for the lake. "Sirius." Harry muttered, running to the river. They stopped as the Dementors flew down and started sucking both Harry and Sirius' soul. Avery and Hermione watched and then looked at Harry. "My dad will come." Hermione shook her head a bit. "You're dying. Both of you. It's horrible." Harry stared at the space where he had seen the patronus. "He will come. Any minute now, my dad will come." After a few more moments, Harry whipped out his wand, ran to where the patronus had come from and pointed his wand at the dementors.


A bright light appeared out of his wand and the dementors flew away, qucikly. He watched as the light slowly faded and his other self looked at him for a moment before passing out. "You were right Hermione. It wasn't my dad I saw. It was me. I did it before so I knew I could do it again. Does that make sense?" Harry said as he flew Buckbeak towards the tower that Sirius was in.

"No!" Hermione yelled over the sound of the wind. Harry zoomed down when he saw the tower, making Avery and Hermione scream, loudly. They jumped off Buckbeak and Hermione aimed her wand at the locked door. "Bombarda!" The wall blew up and Sirius smiled as he walked out, climbing onto Buckbeak with Avery, Harry and Hermione. They had done it. He was free.

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