Chapter 7

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Credits to Weasleyqueen13
"Did you hear Tom Stuart, escaped Azkaban" Avery ran to Abigail, noticing that she couldn't find her until professor Dumbledore called "AVERY MALFOY, COME HERE, AVERY MALFOY" he shouted as loud as he could.

She ran towards Dumbledore, he grabbed her arm and said "hide both of you hide, I'll talk later don't go to the forbidden forest or the room of requirements. I'd recommend going to Ravenclaws dormitory, he's terrible at riddles. Good luck" they both ran and ran. Feeling as if he was right behind them. Avery saw through a window Voldemort, Bellatrix and Tom. They said "we've got to be quick, we've not got long"

They got to the door the riddle was, "There is a house. One enters it blind and comes out seeing. What is it?" the eagle said, "school" the door opens fast. They get into the common room closing the door as fast as possible. They then say "it still feels uneasy." "Yes, I does, let's shut the windows and the curtains so they can't see us." After shutting all the windows and curtains they still feel uneasy. They go up to the dormitory, feeling a breeze. They then both say "run" they ran towards the beds camouflaging themselves to the walls. Avery gets her bandannas and mouth lips saying put the bandannas over your mouth. She does as she says. They both get the bandannas in still feeling frightened.

Seconds later, Avery looks at the door noticing that she can hear someone, hoping it was Dumbledore. They'd both close there eyes putting the blankets provided which was under the bed over them to make it seem like it was a blanket over a object. She hears her friend Caitlin outside doing the riddle worried that she's been held as hostage.

They stay still until she notices that she can hear Caitlin's voice only. They stay quiet until Caitlin says "you can come out now." Abigail took her blanket off of her, but Avery didn't. Abigail then says "who are you?" "I'm Caitlin, avery's friend" Avery was still thinking that it was fake, Abigail *screams* saying "Avery, help, help me." Avery takes the blanket off her not caring anymore noticing that Caitlin was not who she said she was because Caitlin was smirking as Tom was holding Abigail. Voldemort came from around the corner saying "I enjoy Tom very much, he reminds me of myself"

Avery was to scared to talk. Voldemort then says "you know your dreams" "yes, what have you done to them" "well, you know Snape he gave you that sleeping draft" "you tampered it didn't you" "well you could say that, or you could say that I forced Snape to do it" "WHY DIDN'T HE SAY NO!!" "Oh sweet dove, he would have died otherwise." "How do you make it seem as if I can feel it then" "Oh I forgot to say look at your chest" she lifts her shirt up and sees it say mud blood. She then says "what about the rape" "well you haven't started your period yet so you can't get pregnant, you were blackmailed by Caitlin, because you asked her how did you sleep and whilst you were asleep she tortured those other girls in the dormitories. You couldn't wake up because I put a draft in the sleeping potion. Well tell me when you do start your period because Tom enjoyed that very much." "So your saying he was in here, raping me." "Yes exactly."

Voldemort then said to Tom "you go over to the mud blood, and give her a bath, don't forget to drown her" Avery goes towards her bed being cornered by Tom, feeling like she was dying" he grabs her arm and pulls her towards a box of ropes. He grabs a small piece of rope and ties it around her hand. He walks down towards the great hall to go to Dumbledore. She then says "why are we going to Dumbledore" "you'll find out" they walk into the great hall where she sees Fred and George strapped to a chair with a apple in there mouths"

"Tom you don't need to do this" Fred and George had a knife levitated over there heads worried and crying. Abi comes in with Voldemort saying "get of me" and Voldemort laughs. Tom gets his wand out ready to kill them. Voldemort brings Abi towards Fred and George. Tom then says "3 questions, if you get right then the knife stays where it is if you get it wrong it goes down once. Good luck" "this is a sick game, you psycho" Avery then told her eyes.


"Question one: whats my full name"

-"Tom Stuart"


"No that's your name."

"Not it's not what's my middle name"

"How should I know your middle name"

"Question two-who was the first person I raped"

"You make me sick." Said Avery


"I didn't even answer it"

"You said you make me sick"

"That's not an answer"

"it clearly says you, and so it does"

"I hate you, your going to go back to Azkaban"'

He then shows that he was now a death eater mark.

"Your horrible"

He lowers the knifes

"Question three- who is a mud blood"

"Me" she sighs and begins to cry.



Tom took the knives and began running towards me. The light went out and I felt him circling me, he grabs my arm and says stay still. I *scream* and then I'm somewhere else. I see that he was holding my eyes shut until...

He removed them from my face and I can see Azkaban. He then says "do you remember this dream" Avery then says "how did we get here, when Hogwarts is far from here" "like I said I'm a death eater." He grabs my arm and teleports again to the orphanage where he brings me to mike. "Ave" Mike says in relief. "Tom" saying it dangerously. Tom takes me up to mike where he then let's go of my hand, I hug mike but then I feel a stab in the back and a stab in the front. I look at mike seeing that he seems happy they pull the knives out and I fall to the ground. I see complete darkness until...


24 hours later
I come out of surgery, I begin to breath heavily feeling my heart pump abnormally. I slowly try to sit up to get fresh air, a doctor walks back in saying "you need to rest" I hear more voices in my head. I faint.

10 minutes later
I woke up but it felt like years that I was waiting. I rung what looked like a bell. A nurse came in saying "yes, what is it" "what happened to me" "well we found you laying at a orphanage where you were taking but we believed it was sleep talking because you were talking about death. "Oh sorry, ow my lungs hurt, where am I" "your at ST Mungos." "Thank you, why am I here" "you have kidney failure, you'll need somebody related to give you a healthy kidney, someone preferably old, because children have to live a life." "I'm a kid" "exactly, that's why you need a new healthy kidney, none of your parents said they do it, Draco thought said he would. But he's younger than you" what should I do then" "we're thinking about that now." "Bellatrix Lestrange said she would" "however she said she'd want something in return" "anything, I want to live at least up to twelve years old" "we'd hope you could live a good happy life however Bellatrix said she'd want you to marry Tom Stuart, I'm not sure who that is but I do know that Bellatrix is cruel and brilliant at mind tricks." "I know who Tom Stuart is." "Is he a good man" "no he's a new member in the death eaters" "oh wow, I think she's the only person who can do this for you."


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