Chapter 43

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The Minister had send Aurors out to look for Abigail immediately. They had searched and searched. Until one day they all gave up accept Fred, Fred searches and searched until...

Months had passed. Fred had almost lost hope that Ave was still alive. Meanwhile In the underground basement, Ave was being tortured by Rhys once again.

Her screams echoed around the room as he forced her hand on a hot kettle that he had just boiled.

When he let her go, Ave curled up on the icy cold floor Avery screamed for help.

tears streaming down her face as Rhys left her in the dark. This time, Avery knew he wasn't going to return to Hogwarts.

He  the. Said that they would be destroying the basement, as Avery tried so Hard to figure out a way to get out She lost hope.

As her eyes b began to  lose, she placed her hand on her stomach. Rhys had raped her many times and she got pregnant.

he forced her to keep the baby. Ave thought about George and Fred. She thought about her friends and Hogwarts before everything went black.

Fred was sat in the Gryffindor Common Room, holding a picture of, Fred and Ave and George begins them when they were in their first year.

Fred watched as his lost girlfriend smiled brightly at him. The portrait hole opened and fred looked up to see George walk in, looking happy and worried.

"Fred, they've found her. They found Ave ." Fred stood up and put the picture in his back pocket. He followed his twin out of the Common Room and they ran to Dumbledore's office. They knocked and walked in.

Dumbledore was sat at his desk, talking to Madam Pomfrey. "Mr Weasleys', you can go to St Mungos, Abigail will be there." The twins nodded, eargerly and flooed themselves to St Mungos where they saw Ave in a room with Nurses around her bed, running tests.

Soon, a couple of Nurses walked out and let Fred and George in. They sat by Ave and looked at her injuries. Then Fred noticed it; She was pregnant. He quickly got up and walked out of the room.

George decided to leave him be for a while, to calm down. While George waited, he read what the Nurses had written on her medical report:'Burn marks on arms and knife marks on back. Signs of brain damage and clear signs of rape. Five months pregnant, high risk of miscarriage. Internal bleeding, requires operation.'

george placed the clipboard back on the end of the bed and looked at the pregnancy bump. He gently placed his hand on avery's stomach and felt a small kick. At that moment, Fred walked back inside and without saying a word, he sat down. George took his hand off Ave stomach. "Fred I-" George started but his twin interuppted him."I know. I can't change what happened but no matter what, I will love her."

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