Chapter 1

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"Rebecca ... Becca ... Becky ... Rere ! If i have to say your name one more time i will get the bucket of ice young lady " my dad yelled from downstairs . Ugh its Monday . I have to go back to that school of hell . "Im up dad , dont bother coming up , ill be down in 30 minutes i promise ! " i yelled from the top stair . "You better young lady" he said . With that i scurried to my room to get dressed .

With it being a monday im moving really slow . I found a sweat shirt and skinny jeans . At school they call me fat so why should i care what i wear ? I shouldnt , they will always try to find a bad things about my outfits and if I happen to dress up and look cute they throw food on it . I hated this school . The only thing i liked is my friends . Abbey , Gemma and i guess Nicole is my friend but not really she's fake to me . Abbey and Gemma dont get picked on as much because they are drop dead gorgeous unlike me . Nicole .. Shes different . Shes my brother girlfriend so shes only nice to me when he is around . Other times she is like the rest , making fun of me .

I walked out with a black hollister sweatshirt with green words and a pair of green skinny jeans with black vans . I applied makeup , i bet they dont even notice . My makeup was dark with a thin layer of clear lip gloss .

I wish i was like my brother , Ashton . He's perfect . We look kinda alike but hes musculer , a year older , thin , and of course he's a boy . At school people dont know we are realted . He told me if i tell anyone he will make my life worst . Which I don't believe is possible but I don't wanna try him . I kept my mouth shut , well i told Abbey and Gemma . Nicole had to figure out when she came to my house to have sex with my brother . Its nasty , but at least they are loyal to each other i suppose .

I walked downstairs . " Morning Mum and Dad" i said while i kissed their cheek . "Goodmorning love , there is coffee in the pot , and why are you wearing a sweatshirt ? We live in this hot country of Austrailia and you wear that ? Its blazing out there ! " my mum asked eyeing me up and down .

"Because , i want to mum , no disrespect but mum im 17 , im allowed to pick out my clothes arent i ? " i said trying not to make her mad . My parents are strict on respect.

"Its fine baby girl , where's your brother? " my dad said trying to change the subject . Thank you for daddy !

"I think he's sleep ... Do i need to wake him ? " i asked faking a nice voice . In my mind im thinking of pouring cold water on him .

"Please? And thank you Becca .." My mum said while sipping her coffee .

I walked upstairs and put my ear on his door . I can hear him snoring so thats good . I went to the bathroom and got a cup of water and walked in his room . I taped his shoulder .

"Ashton , wakey wakey ! .. " nothing . "Ashtonnnn , wakey wakey ! " i yelled louder . A groan . "Fine ! " i poured the water on his face . "WHAT THE HELL ?!? " he yelled . Now he's awake , good job Becca , I thought to myself. "I've been telling you to wake up for like 10 minutes now . So get up . " i lied , smiling and turned on his light , opened his curtains and walked out . "Bitch ...." I heard him mumble . When then asshole .

14 minutes later Ashton walked downstairs with a singlet and skinny jeans on . Dang he looks better than me , and i took longer . "Morning mum , dad , im riding with Calum , Luke , and Mickey ! Bye . Love you .. " he hugged and kissed them , glared at me , and walked out . His friends were total hotties ! I barely see then , but when i do they are so much nicer than Ashton .

"Becca , lets go" my dad said while grabbing his keys . " Bye mum , ill see you come back from your business trip" i waved and walked out . The car ride was silent , but it was a comfortable silence . We pulled up 7 minutes later . Ugh . "Bye baby , ill pick you up later if you would like me to " my dad said . "No thank you , ill walk home you bye ." I kissed his cheek and got out the car .

School . Where all hell is broken loose . Here i come ...

{edited 6/19/15}

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