😭Feeling The Loss😢

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Muerte and Demon end up at the club chatting with Juice, Chibs, Happy, Piney, Opie and Chucky at the bar

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Muerte and Demon end up at the club chatting with Juice, Chibs, Happy, Piney, Opie and Chucky at the bar.... Rebel went back to Donna's for her kids missed having him around.... Juice stood behind her with his hands on her hip as Demon stands at her side "where is he?"  Clay asks as he and Bobby walk out of church "P.D. let him back into the house yesterday"  Juice tells him "let's go get him"  Clay orders Juice lets go of Muerte's hip as he follows the rest of the guys out of the club "it's okay I'll stay here, tidy up"  Chucky says Muerte smiles at him "I stay with ya Chuck!"  Juice turns to look at her then he walks over to her and kisses her lips then walks away.... Muerte helps Chucky clean up the club they chat and laugh about random things "hey Chuck!.... how about some lunch!?.... come on, I'll teach you how to ride a Harley with one finger.... it's actually easier than it sounds"  she offers "I accept that!"  Chucky says as he walks over to her and she wraps her arm around his shoulders and they walk out of the club with Demon at their heels.... Muerte spends the rest of the day hanging out with Chucky and the afternoon at her daughters grave leaving Demon with Chucky so that he wasn't alone she heard Jax walk up behind her "hey Jax.... off visiting your dad huh!?"  Muerte says softly "yeah!"  Jax replies in a soft low tone as he walks over and stands at her side "did he have any good advice!?!"  she teasingly asks he chuckles then replies "nope!"  she smiles then says "I wish I could have done more!.... I could get my godfather to help but he needs more information first.... hell even my father would help if I begged him at the right moment!.... though he's the one who has to pay back my solids after I ask my godfather for one so....!"  Jax chuckles softly "my dad does understand what you're going through now it has been his fear ever since me and esè were born he's all about family!.... he'd be lost without his.... he'd never survive!.... we're where he get's his strength.... at least that's what he's always telling us!"   she continues Jax chuckles "hey I'm gonna keep going till I get you to smile!.... it's the girl in me I don't like seeing people sad!.... and if that don't work!.... I'll have to call Chucky and have him bring the Demon or Donna to bring the Rebel!"  she tells him he laughs then replies "that won't be necessary"  she smiles then says "that's a little better!.... at least I got a laugh and not a halfhearted chuckle!"  he wraps his arm around her shoulder and pull her into a hug and replies "thanks for trying!"  she hugs him back and says "that's what I'm here for.... I LIVE to annoy people!.... and threaten them till they beg for the Rebellious Demonic Reaper!.... I mean mercy!..... yeah!.... mercy!"  he laughs shaking his head with a smile on his face "I should head home"  Jax says "yeah!.... and remember.... stay miserable!"  she teases he shakes his head "oh and you'll have to come by again when you're in better spirits.... it's surprisingly peaceful here!"   she tells him he looks down at the gravestone and finally realizes where they were and stares at the name and date on the stone in surprise then he replies "yeah!.... I'll be sure to do that!"   she waves as he climbs on his Harley and says "see ya later Princey!"  he chuckles and then drives off with a wave.... Muerte goes to visit Otto and let's him know what was going on then that night she heads to Half Sacks wake.....

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