Teller Family Drama🎭

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"What do you know about Teller's old lady!?!"  Romeo asks Muerte who he found sitting in his Hummer with her pup Demon "Tara!?!.... she's a younger version of Gemma.... attention seeker always wanting to be spoiled!.... she doesn't like me.... I believe she's an only child.... she's got two kids.... ones hers and the other I suppose you could say she adopted when she married Jax.... she's not a threat to you or your "mission".... whatever it is!.... her maiden name is Knowles.... if Clay put you on a job whatever she has must have something to do with him and Gemma.... he did kill his best friend and made it look like an accident after all!.... Clay never does anything if he can get others to do it for him and with him being the prez of a club blinder than I am on many fronts but what good servant doesn't follow their master without the fear of being killed!?!.... Lincoln Potter.... the AUSA in charge of whatever Eli is putting Juan through...."  she replies he chuckles "next step RICO.... it always ends with RICO!"  she mutters and he stops chuckling "do you like her!?"  he asks "it's doesn't matter.... she's got kids!.... she needs to be around for them and if anything happens to her it'll break the Prince even more than he's already been broken he's been wanting out since his first kid was born but they keep pulling him back in.... making excuses for him to stay!"  she replies he nods "I'm not going to warn them so....!"  she tells him he chuckles then asks jokingly "I'm on my own am I!?!"  she replies as she opens the door and slides out of the Hummer "no, they are!.... I've done enough for them and have never gotten anything in return.... I'm not doing that anymore!"  he looks at her sadly then asks "and what does Juan give you!?!"  she replies softly "love!.... as much as he is capable of giving anyway.... he never got it from his parents so he doesn't know how to "properly" give it to someone he cares about.... THAT is why I have given him so many chances!.... I had hope that we could teach each other!.... now I'm starting to think I would be better off with Happy because he's right back to pushing me away again the only difference is that it's a new set of lies he's listening to and he thinks he's "protecting me" when the truth is.... he's scared!.... of them.... of love.... of.... everything!"  she wraps her arm around his shoulder and gives him a hug then kisses his cheek as Demon bounds out of the Hummer behind her "see you later Uncle Rome she says then she walks away he turns and watches her walk to her Harley, wait for Demon to hop in his side car then drive away with a very sad looking Juice watching her from the warehouse doorway.... after Juice was allowed to leave he heads to Muerte's house hoping that she was there "Muerte!"  he says out of breathe as he jogs up to her open door "tell them Juice! or this will keep happening.... all of it!!.... for your not just putting me in danger but my father too and I will NEVER forgive you for that!"  she replies turning to him then turning away and walking back inside her home he grips her wrist and pulls her to him kissing her lips "I can't!.... don't you understand that I can't!?!"  he whispers "it isn't that you can't it's that you won't!.... you're a coward!.... you should spend the night at the club I don't want to see you for the rest of the day!"  she tells him then she shuts the door in his face "no! Muerte please!!"  he begs pounding his fist on the door until he hears Demon bark in a way he's never heard him bark at him before then he backs away and runs to his Harley and drives away trying to stop his tears from falling.... "I don't want you coming hija!"  Marcus says "I don't care!.... I need something to do and the idiots I work for gave me the day off!.... I'll stay outside with the guys and bring Demon with me.... I'll be fine I promise!.... besides it'll be well shaded so if I get to hot I won't have to strip and give the boys a show they won't forget!"  she replies ending with a tease he chuckles then mutters "you stubborn....!"  then he says out loud "fine!.... as long as you bring Demon you can go!"  she smiles as Demon barks in agreement and she kisses Marcus' cheek making him chuckle.... Muerte was true to her word she stayed outside the Mayans "distribution center" where Marcus and a few of his men met with Jax, Tig, Bobby and Clay Muerte somehow talked the men outside playing cards to set their pit bulls free so that Demon wouldn't get bored just sitting in the shaded grass with her they knew her pups well and her pups tended to be able to keep their pups not only in line but in the yard as they played together so they allowed it Jax nods over to Muerte who was absentmindedly petting a pitbull on the head while reading a book under a large shaded tree as he climbs off his Harley "what, do you own the block?"  Clay asks Marcus who replies "they cooperate PD keeps its distance.... not to mention they're deathly afraid of my daughter and her pups! come on, I'll give you the tour".... a few minutes later Muerte stands up dropping her book on the ground and pulling her gun out of it's holster as she hears the screeching of tires and the crunch of the wooden gate as a car drives into it "Demon protect!"  Muerte says nodding her head over to her father who was walking out with Jax and the other Reapers then she hears the men that were outside with her yelling at the pit bulls to stay away "are you kidding!?! with the rep their breed has let them have their fun!"  she tells them the men shut up and Marcus chuckles she aims and shoots one of the men in the car the bullet from her gun ends up hitting the driver in the temple "Khan, Diablo subdue!"  she orders a white grey and a brown pit bull rush over to the car, jump into it through the open window and attacked the too frightened to retaliate idiots that were left in the car until Jax and Rafi rush over and pull the idiots out of the car Marcus walks over to his daughter and wraps his arm around her shoulder he feels her jump but her body calms once she hears him say as he takes the gun out of her hand with his free one "I'm proud of you hija!"  she teases "see aren't you glad you brought me along!?!"  he chuckles and hugs her to him kissing the top of her head "cover your ears"  she tells him "I'm sure I can handle it!"  he replies "are you sure!?! Tig's taught me well!"  then she lets out a piercing whistle and he chuckles as the two pit bulls she called to attack the leftovers in the car walk over to her and stand at her heels "come on.... I think they all deserve a treat!"  she tells Marcus "yes they do!"  he replies with a chuckle in his tone then the two of them along with the three pups head inside and each pitbull whether they fought in the "war" or not got a puppy treat....

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